Does putting garlic in your ears work?

Information from the Healthline portal suggests that it is a plant that provides the body with several health benefits, most of which are related to the sulfur compounds formed when cutting, crushing or chewing raw garlic cloves.

Garlic (Getty)

Garlic (Getty) | Photos: Getty Images

It is a nutrient-dense food containing minerals such as manganese, selenium, calcium, copper or potassium, and vitamins B6 and C; It has very few calories and it is recommended to include it in the framework of a balanced and healthy diet to enhance its benefits.

Garlic is known as one of the healthiest vegetables, and its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help stimulate the immune system, fight disease, infection and bacteria, and even help improve cardiovascular health and regulate high blood cholesterol levels.

The effect of putting garlic in the ear

Despite all of the aforementioned benefits, this species is commonly used in different ways in hundreds of natural remedies. in this case, Putting garlic in the ears can help fight ear infections and respiratory ailments.


earache | Photos: Getty Images

If you want to go for it, all you have to do is wash a piece of garlic, cut it into medium sized pieces, and put it inside your ear, making sure it doesn’t get in the ear. Finally, secure it in place with a bandage and let it sit overnight.

Although garlic has many benefits, You should be aware that the ears are very sensitive parts of the body and putting small objects in or near them can be dangerous. For this reason, care should be taken to place them well so as not to cause serious health problems.

It is important that if you experience more intense pain or do not improve with this technique, consult a health professional to guide you through the situation and give you an accurate diagnosis.

Two Benefits of Garlic


Garlic helps control blood pressure levels. | Photos: Getty Images

  • Fighting against colds: Garlic has expectorant and antibacterial properties that stimulate the respiratory system and facilitate respiration, so it is recommended for the treatment of flu, coughs, colds, hoarseness, asthma, bronchitis and lung diseases.

A study by the National Center for Biotechnology Information was published in PubMed The study found that daily garlic supplementation reduced the number of colds by 63% compared to a placebo. Business Insider.

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