“Dolly Forever.” The pain of Jennifer Aniston’s death of her Labrador is not easing

“Dolly forever,” he writes Jennifer Aniston referring to a mix of white Labradors who died four years ago but for whom the nostalgia is still very strong. A loss that, despite the passage of so much time, is still present in the actress: innocentIn fact, she was adopted during her relationship with the actor justin therouxAnd there really was a special dog for the actress.

So much so that if love ends with the actor after six years Dolly shares her life for fourteen yearsuntil he disappeared.

Aniston, as her social networks also reveal, is madly in love with her animal companions and in several posts she writes that “the moments spent with them are one of the best moments of the day”.

In fact, the actress has established a very special bond with them, which she doesn’t just treat as pets, but treats them as pets. members of your own family Able to give her unconditional love every day, to always be close to her in difficult moments and to give her lots of happiness even when she feels lonely.

But she often confesses that her pets have also taught her a lot: the importance of living in the here and now and appreciating the little things in life, things like those that make her enjoy every moment.

in short, the same labrador Lord Chesterfield, mix schnauzer Clyde and Pitt Bull The black and white Sophie, or the dog with whom Rachel from the popular series “Friends” today shares her luxurious $ 21 million home in Bel Air, manages to give her all the affection she needs.

A real family that Aniston has always said is very close because “they are real friends” because even though “they don’t text me and they don’t buy me flowers” they do much more: «they hug me when they need it, When I reach home they always welcome me and never complain about anything. I wish I was like that too.

In addition, the actress often takes him with her to work, whatever she has to do, and they often steal the show, as during a photo shoot for the cover of Allure magazine, where Lord Chesterfield quietly joins the shoot.

However, Aniston not only takes care of her dogs but is a true activist and has always shown true passion and continued commitment to it. advocate for the welfare of all animalsIt has inspired many people to take care of it and adopt a lifestyle that is respectful to all living beings.

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