Dr. Veronica Morales | Faces

Complications of chronic venous insufficiency

Chronic venous insufficiency is a pathology that can have effects, whether mild or complex, that alter the patient’s quality of life. Here are some of the main ones:

Venous Thrombosis: These clots can be superficial, meaning they affect the superficial vein network, causing inflammation and severe pain, often requiring drainage.

Deep thrombosis will have more serious consequences. They occur due to blood stasis in the veins, resulting in thrombus, blocking the veins and even entering the circulatory system, which may lead to pulmonary thromboembolism.

Erysipelas or cellulitis: These infections affect the superficial or deeper layers of the skin, respectively, and require antibiotic treatment.

Varicose bleeding: Bleeding caused by rupture of varicose veins caused by a scratch or minor trauma.

Venous ulcer: This is a chronic wound that is difficult to heal because the nutrients needed to complete this mechanism are not available due to changes in circulation.

Venous eczema or ocher dermatitis: Pooled blood in the legs damages capillaries, causing localized inflammation, skin color changes, peeling, and crusting.

Lipodermatosclerosis: This is a smooth, hard patch of skin that immobilizes and changes the anatomy of the lower limbs.

All of these complications can be avoided by seeing your phlebologist on time and starting the appropriate treatment for each situation.

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Flight: +5493794321866

Address: 1651 Reconquista, Corrientes. capital.

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