Dua Lipa with “Cien años de Soledad” and other famous people covered by books

A few days ago, the famous British singer and model Dua Lipa posted a photo on her social network in which she shares her passion for reading and demonstrates how much she enjoys it. Cien years of sunshinecult novel by a Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez.

Because of him, his fans, as well as readers, turned to the work of Ganador. Nobel Prize for Literature 1982.. Many heard the novel for the first time, but others recognized the artist’s good taste.

Dua Lipa was represented by various members of the Buendia family – credit service95 / Instagram

This isn’t the first time a celebrity has been inspired by the magic of books. We have seen time and again that artists are also good readers. About this episode with the actress Dance the night Let’s write down some famous people who were enlightened by the book.

Lady Gaga – “The Young Poet’s Map” (Rainer Maria Rilke)

Her sweet hand is decorated with one of the singer’s most striking tattoos with quotes from the author’s famous poem. His passion for paper Rainer Maria Rilke The writing on literature and life in general is striking, to the point that I always recommend picking up one of its fragments.

Tom Hanks – “Sangre Fria” (Truman Capote)

Oscar winner, Tom HanksFind it Sangre FriaTruman Capote, a reading that had a profound impact on him when he was a teenager. The story, based on a true crime, is a classic of North American literature that left a lasting impression on the actor.

Scarlett Johansson – “Crucero de verano” (Truman Capote)

Another celebrity who inspired Truman Capote is Scarlett Johansson. On being obsessed with Capote’s first novel Cruzero de VeranoThat’s why she worked for six years to realize her first career as a film director, a project that raised high expectations in the film industry.

Emma Stone – Franny and Zooey (J.D. Salinger)

The actress is a fan of the stories of the legendary Glass, created by J.D. Salinger. Franny and Zooey This is one of the works that caught his attention, and his selection demonstrates his appreciation of literature with complex and well-developed characters.

George Clooney – “War and Peace” (Leo Tolstoy)

Combining fact and fiction and featuring more than 500 characters, this monumental work offers a deep dive into 19th-century Russian society. Clooney, who once said he liked big books, finds one of his literary passions in Tolstoy.

Penelope Cruz – “Guardian of the Century” (J.D. Salinger)

Spanish actress Penelope Cruz Feel free to mention your favorite book every time you read it: The security guard celebrates his centenary J.D. Salinger. The story of the rebel Holden Caulfield left an indelible mark on his life.

Taylor Swift – “Matar a un ruiseñor” (Harper Lee)

In an interview, Swift shared his appreciation for books written from a child’s perspective, and this classic novel fits right in with his favorites.

Emma Watson – “The Prince” (Antoine de Saint-Exupéry)

Actress Emma Watsonknown in newspapers as Hermione in the saga ‘Harry Potter’this is common in children’s literature. Start “Antoine de Saint-Exupéry” is one of his favorite books, along with My friend the giant Roald Dahl, which transports him to special times and places.

James Franco – “Mientrasagonizo” (William Faulkner)

Recounting the adventures of a humble family carrying the corpse of their matriarch into the final era, this novel is a masterpiece of literature. This is Franco’s favorite book.

Barack Obama – Song of Solomon (Toni Morrison)

Former US President Barack Obama, has repeatedly praised Nobel Prize winner Toni Morrison as one of his favorite authors. Entre sus obras, destaca Song of Solomona family saga set in the black neighborhoods of Michigan and full of magical realism.

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