Dwayne Johnson continues to amaze with excursions, new video

This isn’t the first time that Dwayne Johnson aka “The Rock” has surprised tourists on tours of Hollywood. After the first (very brief) moments of disbelief, enthusiasm boils. And he’s having fun.

Already two years ago Dwayne Johnson shared on Instagram video about one thing he likes to do: when it in car and is located next to the bus that runs normally tour of the villas of Hollywood stars, surprises the participants, bringing them to the maximum. Yesterday he posted another such video, with a lot of jokes!
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After the first moments of enthusiasm tourists on the busclearly ready to pounce on their smartphones to capture a historic moment, Dwayne Johnson he clicks on them: “You were already in my house?” “No? Where is he?” “No, everything is okay, that’s better!” Rock offers the driver to better align the bus with his SUV: “You need to take a selfie! Please let us in my big headAs he leaves, Dwayne adds for the video, “It was fun. It’s one of the best things about fame. Make their day special…and give something away for free! Free stuff is one of the best things about fame.”
Emphasis on for free possibly also suggested strikes in full swing, including the union of actors. Far from insensitive to the matter, Johnson gave undisclosed information.seven digit“at the end of July to the union SAG-Aftrato support the families of less fortunate actors and actresses who literally run the risk of not making ends meet by protesting.

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