Edomex Health calls for extreme precautions to prevent rise in respiratory illnesses – Plana Mayor


Toluca, Edomex, December 1, 2023. – Given the number of reported cases of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), the Mexican State Department of Health reports that it is maintaining epidemiological surveillance in order to provide timely care and calls on the Mexican population to take preventive measures to reduce the spread of this disease.

The agency stated that from the beginning of winter in the 40th epidemiological week to the 47th epidemiological week, 331 cases of all respiratory viruses monitored have been confirmed, 164 of which were RSV, mainly in minor children. 5 Older adults, along with adults over 65, are the most vulnerable to acute respiratory infections.

He explained that the disease is typical of the cold season and its severity can range from mild clinical manifestations similar to a common cold to respiratory infections, therefore reiterating the importance of taking the necessary precautions.

Therefore, he added, it is important to emphasize that it is transmitted through saliva droplets expelled when a sick person coughs or sneezes, and can also be transmitted through indirect contact through surfaces such as tables or railings where the virus may be found or contaminated surfaces . hand..

Mexico’s health ministry detailed that while most affected people experience mild respiratory symptoms, RSV infection can cause severe illness in premature infants and immunocompromised people.

In addition, it is one of the leading causes of bronchiolitis and pneumonia in children under five years of age, and according to its transmission mechanism, crowded places such as nurseries, schools and hospitals are conducive to the spread of the virus.

Therefore, the agency emphasizes that you should wash your hands frequently with soap and water or use 60% alcohol solution, and cover your mouth and nose with disposable tissues or the inner corners of your nose when coughing or sneezing. , if respiratory symptoms occur, ventilate confined spaces and stay home to take care of yourself and avoid contagion.

Public areas of the nursery should also be disinfected, avoid going to crowded areas, use masks in confined spaces with poor ventilation, develop healthy eating habits, drink two liters of water a day, wear warm clothes, avoid sudden changes in temperature, and maintain groups of children and a complete vaccination plan for key risk groups, emphasizing prevention of influenza and COVID-19 this season.

It should be noted that if any discomfort occurs, you should go to the nearest health center to receive timely care and avoid self-medication.

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