EHPAD St. Maarten in great difficulty

Just minutes after leaving, a meeting of the Communal Council of the Island of Re on October 5 was interrupted by a delegation of staff from the Venus Hospital Group to alert them to the disastrous situation at the St. Maarten EHPAD.

He is surprised by the CdC president and his fellow community members, who are already accustomed to this kind of event. In addition, those who meet at the OFMICT* CGT conference on the island of Re, followers take effect after first confirming the storage, after two years, 35 liters, 10 additional stops, also announced Alzheimer’s disease cells. and a 24-liter protected Parkinson’s block.

Sensitization elus rétais

He explains the situation aux élus, strengthens himself with sharp statements aides-soignantes à bout de power and denonçant the situation of unworthiness from which the patients suffer. In fact, on the same morning, if you only have three soignants aged and three in the back (work stoppages multiple), the next residents can leave, there is no toilet, you cannot do it, and you can help your dependent patients if you do this is in catastrophic conditions. Having assessed the severity of the situation and the moral and physical condition of the staff, Lionel Quille immediately asked to write and urgently make an appointment with the management of the Hospital Group.

Emmanuel Dallier, secretary general of the CGT at the La Rochelle hospital, in charge of the Landeman Re à la Hune, in the company of Christophe Baudin, orderly in La Rochelle, guaranteeing replacements at the EHPAD de Saint-Martin so that we can bring more precision.

Chronicle of sous effect

“On Tuesday 5 October the service started at 7.30am and the staff were very efficient. At two levels of EHPAD, with a volume of 160 liters, not 35 ont stops after two years, it is necessary to have five aids for each age, reinforced by a flying person making a shuttle between ages. After October 1, no more than four and one mornings return to the three floors, alors qu’il faut à manger for 50% of patients. Chaque aide-soignant is a retro style that accommodates 16 people for a matinee! »

“Obviously, dissatisfaction with dream employees must be very attractive,” explains the recruitment difficulties. Another serious problem is the problem of staffing. Most parents come from single-parent or mixed families who travel 100 km from Vendée and Courson. Hence the desire of the participants to draw attention to the élus rétais so that action can be taken before the management of the hospital and the protective authorities – ARS and the Department – and the other party offering solutions to social magazines on the island for familiar staff “nous at-il expliqué.

Emmanuel Dallier also declared an emergency procedure (DGI) to protect personnel in the event of an accident and warn the public.

Fermeture de 34 lit, not a protégé of l’Unité, ahead of the end of 2023?

“The new CEO arrived on August 7th, Valérie Bénéat-Marlier, succeeding Pierre Thépault, who visited EHPAD in Saint-Martin in September and announced that she would like to meet with a number of people with human resources and also say: “ Stop for extra items before Toussaint holidays. We are talking about 24 liters of protected block and six liters of ECPAD. Relevance, lack of new assistants, at the end of the year in the evening in the shower. En Unité protégée, sur les douze soignants, six years at the end of childbirth. The staff are experiencing great suffering. CGT against the first month of thirty-four liters, before the end of 2023.” explains Emmanuel Dallier, here regretful “On tout misé sur l’ambulatoire, au laieu de rouvrir des Lits avec du personnel. »

The hospital group’s CGT General Secretariat reports that even in recent years, CGT’s results have been excellent, even though the La Rochelle hospital had a deficit of about 19 million euros and the EHPAD de Saint-Martin had a deficit of 800 thousand euros. The Suite Soins établissement building, installed on the same site in Saint-Martin, does not face any difficulties. “The situation worsened after the merger of EHPAD Saint-Martin with the La Rochelle hospital in 2012. The cost of a new structure from 2010, with large parts faulty, should be difficult to absorb, with 200 thousand euros of repairs to be carried out in St. Maarten. »

Meeting day, Monday, November 13th.

As directed, CGT representatives will soon arrive at the garden and will hold a meeting at the St. Maarten EHPAD on Monday, November 13th with a barbecue and conference at 2:00 pm with MP Olivier Falorny.

The President of the CdC Ile de Ré, Lionel Quiet, accompanied by Gérard Juin, Vice-President of the CdC and physician, de Patrice Dechelette, Vice-President of the CdC and President of the Supervisory Board of the Saint-Martin institution and Patrice Raffarin, Consultant of the department of the island, met with the director of the hospital group Valerie Benea-Marlier, accompanied by Sophie Le Maire, director of medical clinics, on Monday, October 16th.

Three issues raised between the CdC and the Hospital Authority

“We prefer to remember the past, as well as the fact that the project that the management of the hospital group ranks first in the sessional guardianship authorities, in order to plus the functions and my organizations EHPAD and protégé Unite. Celui-ci goes within the framework of rationalization, with the preservation of the Lithuanian number in the function of the drums. The capacity of 165 liters is not enough for a sufficient number of personnel. I’m kind of worried about this kind of activity being envisaged. »

“Another problem, it’s nationwide, is because of the attractiveness of these professions. Finally, I also found myself in a new direction, there is no evidence of knowledge here, but the proposal made in July 2022 in the essay, to obtain the ratio of logs, in the program 25 logs of St. Maarten, for hospital staff, CDAIR and firefighters, the prefect is open to discussion, and all legal aspects are transferred to the examiner. In September 2022 I also proposed that the CdC could occupy for various public organizations some of the spaces visible to the EHPAD, with the client towards the hospital, for example we would like to install a MAM (Maison d’maternelle Assistants). in one of the battalion’s corridors, which also contributes to the attractiveness of recruitment. »

“Enfin, troisième sujet Soulevé, le manque de moyens dans le contexte général. We are reminded of the isolation and peculiarities of Notre-Île, and the déjà is repeated within the national education of the territory of the contract. This concept needs to be brought back into the ADR and the department. The codes are not the same as those, the approach to pricing doit les intégrer et être différente, l’ARS et le Département pourraient en tenir compte dans les modality de Prize en charge. »

“If the secure unit is not maintained, it will be difficult in our area, why should we have 24 months of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s? I asked the hospital management to keep me informed about what kind of air creates a balance with all its protection, in order to know what is happening and in these measures the CdC Ile de Ré can intervene. » – Lionel Quille concluded.

*Federal Union of Doctors, Engineers, Personnel and Technicians

Suggestions and information collected by Nathalie Vaucher.

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