El Cunqueiro asks for masks, vaccines as income rises due to flu

Flu infections are on the rise, and other respiratory viruses are on the rise. All medical devices are taking note: Cunqueiro’s emergency room hit an all-time high of 578 patients on Tuesday, but the number dropped Thursday and continued to stay Chapter 479 PACs are seeing well-above-average influxes, 75 percent of which are due to respiratory viruses, and wait times of more than two hours; and health centers are too, but it’s going to be harder to find non-emergency appointments.

What was novel yesterday was the percentage of patients who went to the emergency room and ended up in the hospital.This figure was close to the average of 13%, but has now reached 19%, or one in five patients. The emergency ends in a hospital bed. Despite this, the hospital has not provided more beds because there are enough beds for fewer surgeries. A place for all these sick people.

According to experts from the Ministry of Health, the peak of the influenza epidemic is approaching and is actually expected to arrive in a few days.

In view of this situation, the heads of emergency services, internal medicine and pulmonary services have issued a message to the public to exercise caution.

Emergency coordinator Matt Mazza acknowledged there has been an increase in patients coming in with respiratory illnesses in recent days, mostly due to the flu. “It’s important to remember that for young people People who have no associated illnesses and are showing mild symptoms don’t have to go to the hospital, and maybe not to the PAC.It’s enough to stay at home, paracetamol, and symptom control. Antibiotics are not necessary in these cases and if the condition worsens after a few days, more phlegm appears or the fever does not go away, then you should see a doctor,” he explained.

Alberto Fernández Villar, head of the Pulmonology Department, in turn said professionals are very concerned about the increase in the number of admissions to hospitals with respiratory infections in recent weeks, especially due to influenza A and some COVID-19 cases. “Fernandez Villar pointed out. These admissions correspond to severe cases, and these patients are in ICU or intermediate care units., vaccination rates are low. We are vaccinated in a timely manner and Cunqueiro has the possibility to receive flu and COVID vaccines through a self-appointment system.. “This is very important, especially for our most vulnerable patients.”

Martín Rubianes, Chief of the Department of Internal Medicine, added that it is necessary to emphasize the importance of masks. “Masks were not invented three years ago due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but are a commonly used device in hospitals to prevent a large number of infections. “Both from COVID-19 and from influenza.” Rubianes clearly emphasized infections in the home environment, because “We’re seeing a lot of older people and a lot of people dying from these infections, and a simple mask can prevent a lot of those infections.”

Galicia resumes wearing masks in health centers, despite recommendations

The Ministry of Health recommends the use of masks in all health centers in Galicia starting yesterday and for the next fifteen days.This is not mandatory as this is required by law but is strongly required It is seen as a measure to stop infection, especially with influenza viruses but also with other respiratory viruses. They also do this in front of the New Year’s Eve party, New appointments for crowds of people at house parties and other venues in enclosed spaces.

Until July this year, when Spain declared the health crisis over, Masks are mandatory in medical centers and pharmacies. From that day on, it became a recommendation, but only for emergency services. and areas of the hospital used by immunosuppressed patients.

Sanidade hopes that the peak of the flu epidemic will be reached in these days (this week or next week), and that the flu epidemic will remain at the same intensity level for two to three weeks.

Public Health Director Carmen Durán said the main respiratory infection is influenza A (JN1 lineage), which accounts for 68% of cases. In addition, the average positivity rate for influenza tests was 34%, and the average positivity rate for RSV tests was 8%.

Xunta has contingency plans in place to deal with the pandemic. Currently, all regions except Lugo have strengthened their staff and opened 80 beds for the elderly, including 15 beds in Mehoeru on December 9. Respiratory illnesses have a greater impact on hospitals because they require longer care and length of stay.

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