El Nino warning from the World Meteorological Organization: The danger has not passed

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has announced its “Interim State of the Global Climate 2023” report. The report indicated that the last nine years, starting from 2015, were the hottest ever, and said that “the El Niño weather phenomenon that appeared in the northern hemisphere in the spring of 2023, and whose impact is rapidly increasing in the summer months, is likely to increase the temperature further.” In 2024 because El Nino “will generally have the greatest impact on global temperatures after it reaches its peak.”

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) has drawn attention to the climate crisis in its “Interim State of the Global Climate 2023” report announced today. The report indicated that the last nine years, starting from 2015, were the hottest ever, and said that “the El Niño weather phenomenon that appeared in the northern hemisphere in the spring of 2023, and whose impact is rapidly increasing in the summer months, is likely to increase the temperature further.” In 2024 because El Nino “will generally have the greatest impact on global temperatures after it reaches its peak.”

The report stated that it has been confirmed that 2023 will be the hottest year on record, and that data until the end of October showed that the air temperature this year was about 1.40 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial period (1850-1900).


The report indicated that carbon dioxide levels in the air are 50 percent higher than in the pre-industrial period, and said, “This traps heat in the atmosphere. The long life of carbon dioxide means that temperatures will continue to rise in the coming years.” . “.

The rate of sea level rise has increased

In the report published by the World Meteorological Organization, it was reported that the rate of sea level rise in the period 2013-2022 was more than double the rate in the first ten years of satellite records (1993-2002) due to continuing ocean warming and melting glaciers. In the statement, it was confirmed that severe melting was again occurring in glaciers in Antarctica, North America and Europe, and the statement was used: “Swiss glaciers have lost approximately 10 percent of their remaining volume in the past two years.”

The report confirmed that renewable energy capacity will increase by about 10 percent in 2022, led by solar and wind energy.

The report indicated that extreme weather and climate phenomena have major impacts on all continents, and stated that they include major floods, tropical cyclones, extreme heat, drought, and the resulting uncontrollable fires.


In Southern Europe and North Africa The temperature broke a record

In the report, “Flooding from heavy rains caused by Hurricane Daniel in September affected Greece, Bulgaria, Turkey and Libya, with heavy loss of life, especially in Libya. In February and March, Hurricane Freddy had major impacts on Madagascar and Mozambique.” And Malawi.” “It was one of the longest-lived tropical cyclones in the world.”

The report said that extreme heat was effective in many parts of the world, and that some of the most significant heat was felt in southern Europe and North Africa, especially in the second half of July, when extreme and unusual temperatures were experienced.

The World Meteorological Organization stated in the report that “temperatures reached 48.2 degrees in Italy. Record high temperatures of 49 degrees were reported in Tunisia, 50.4 degrees in Morocco, and 49.2 degrees in Algeria.”

The level of greenhouse gases has reached a record level

In his statement included in the report, the Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization, Petteri Taalas, said: “Greenhouse gas levels and global temperatures are at record levels. Sea level rise is at a record level. Sea ice in Antarctica is at a record low level. This situation “It represents a real danger.” A deafening cacophony of broken records.”

Secretary-General Taalas noted that extreme weather conditions destroy lives and livelihoods every day, and said: “This situation confirms that it is necessary to protect everyone with early warning services.”

It was noted that the WMO Interim Report on the State of the Global Climate was published to provide information to the 28th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP28), which began today in Dubai.

He stated that the final report on the state of the global climate 2023 will be published along with regional reports in the first half of 2024.

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