El Salvador continues Covid-19 and influenza vaccinations for the third time this year (10) – Communications Minister

El Salvador continues Covid-19 and influenza vaccinations for the third time this year (10) – Communications Minister
Photo: Bruno Concha/Secom PMS

The Director of Health of the Municipality of El Salvador (SMS) will continue the Covid-19 and influenza vaccinations on the third day (10) from 8 am to 4 pm. Influenza doses are suitable for people 6 months of age and older, a list of units is available on the website http://www.saude.salvador.ba.gov.br/campanha-de-vacinacao-. Prevent influenza-flu/.

Against Covid-19, although the bivalent vaccine is available to the public, taking into account the four-month interval between the two vaccinations, under the “Liberou Geral” program the first and second doses will be offered to persons aged 12 or above Two doses. The third dose of the vaccine will be offered exclusively to immunocompromised Salvadoran residents 12 years of age or older.

The bivalent vaccine is suitable for the general population aged 12 years or above, including those with permanent disabilities; those with low immune function or comorbidities in the same age group. To gain access, all you have to do is have a vaccination card, be a resident of Bahia and receive two doses of a single-price carrier, four months apart.

As an immunocompromised person who has not started or completed a primary regimen of three specified doses, as long as you adhere to any two immunizing agents (Coronavac, Oxford, Coronavac, Oxford, Pfizer or Janssen). Within this public, those receiving three doses of the vaccine must wait four months from the third dose before receiving the bivalent vaccine.

document: The interested party must present the original and copy of the vaccination card or the national digital vaccination card, a photo identification document and proof of residence from the municipality of the State of Bahia.

Pregnant women: The second technical report does not require confirmation of pregnancy, it is sufficient for the woman to confirm her pregnancy status.

Postpartum: You must show documentation of your postpartum period (birth certificate, maternity card, documents from the hospital where you gave birth)

Health care provider: You must present a document confirming valid contact with the health service through a receipt, review or consultation letter or statement issued by the professional health service.

Childhood vaccinations: The vaccination strategy includes first and second doses for children aged 6 months to 4 years and 11 months and 29 days old, with and without comorbidities. Residents of El Salvador will also receive Pfizer’s Intensive Pediatric Services for children ages 5 to 11 with comorbidities. Immunization of children in the general public will be carried out by presenting the child’s and binational and/or responsáveis ​​identity documents, vaccination card and Salvadoran SUS card.

Liberu Gerard: Applications for first and second doses for those 18 years or older are available to people who are not residents of El Salvador or who have not yet started the main program in the capital. The third dose of the vaccine will be specifically for immunocompromised people aged 12 years or older and registered on the SMS website of the attending physician.

Individuals 18 years of age or older who have received a Janssen Primary Plan vaccine are also required to be immunized. The Ministry of Health’s technical note states that all individuals aged 18 to 39 years with the Janssen vaccine (single dose) as their primary treatment regimen should receive a second booster treatment; all individuals aged 40 years or older will receive a third booster dose, equivalent to Total vaccine volumes for other Covid-19 vaccine programmes.

View public/vaccination sites:

Second Dose for Children 3 and 4 Years Old (Including Immunosuppressed Children) – CORONAVAC Pediatrics – El Salvador Residents

Pinned post: UBS Edson Teixeira, UBS Maria Conceição Imbassay, USF Bom Jesus dos Passos, USF Paramana, USF Ilha de Maré.

Third dose of vaccine for children aged 3 and 4 years (COM or SEM comorbidities) to be initiated in the CORONAVAC vaccine program – El Salvador residents

Pinned post: UBS Maria Conceição Imbassay, UBS Edson Teixeira, USF Cajazeiras IV, USF Paramana, USF Bom Jesus dos Passos, USF Ilha de Maré.

First and Second Dose for Children 5 to 11 Years Old with Comorbidities of SEM – Pfizer Pediatrics – El Salvador Residents

Pinned post: UBS Edson Teixeira, UBS Maria Conceição Imbassay, USF Paramana, USF Bom Jesus dos Passos, USF Ilha de Maré.

1st, 2nd and 3rd Dose Pfizer Infants (6 months to 4 years with comorbidities of OR or SEM) – El Salvador residents

Pinned post: UBS Maria Conceição Imbassay, UBS Edson Teixeira, USF Paramana, USF Bom Jesus dos Passos, USF Ilha de Maré.

Pfizer Pediatric Intensive Treatment for Children 5 to 11 Years Old with Comorbidities – Residents of El Salvador

Pinned post: UBS Edson Teixeira, UBS Maria Conceição Imbassay, USF Paramana, USF Bom Jesus dos Passos, USF Ilha de Maré


Accompaniment of CRIANÇA PELO PAI OU MÍ: The original and copy of the identity document with the photo of the child or mother present, the original and copy of the identity document of the child, as well as the vaccine card and the origin of the card need to be presented at the SMS location and not at the vaccination site. SUS Author: Salvador da criança.

Unaccompanied CRIANÇA DO PAI OU DA MÈ: It must be on-site and no other persons over 18 years old may be accompanied during vaccination. In addition, a vaccination form that is pre-packaged and checked by the child’s parent (pai or mãe), a copy of the identification document with a photo of the person responsible for checking the document, the original and a copy of the child’s ID card, and two cattle cards must be submitted Deneta original and Salvador da criança’s SUS card. The vaccine form can be printed via the following link: http://www.saude.salvador.ba.gov.br/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/formulario-vacinacao-criancasV6.pdf.

observe: As we have seen from the beginning of this strategy, special circumstances related to the lack of complete documentation will be dealt with individually at vaccination sites.

Adult Vaccinations – First and Second Dose

For the first and second doses, the Coronavac immunizer will be used, even if at the beginning of the program Pfizer monotherapy or Fiocruz is used. Technical Note No. 53/2023-CGICI/DPNI/SVSA/MS provides for the interchangeability of vaccines, ensuring the substitution of immunobiological agents to complement the main treatment regimen.

Pinned post: UBS Edson Teixeira, UBS Maria Conceição Imbassay, USF Paramana, USF Bom Jesus dos Passos, USF Ilha de Maré.

Bivalent Vaccination (General Emancipation of the Inhabitants of Bahia) – PESSOAS Community, 12 years and above, including maternity and pregnant women; Adolescents 12 years and above with permanent impairment, immunocompromised or comorbidities; Quilombolas, Ribeirinhos indigenous and 12 years OU MAIS; Health workers; Socio-educational measures for adolescents (under 18 years); POPULAÇO PRIVADA DE LIBERDADE (more than 12 years); Pessoas 12 years or MAIS Comorbidities

Pinned post: UBS Edson Teixeira, UBS Maria Conceição Imbassay, USF Paramana, USF Bom Jesus dos Passos, USF Ilha de Maré.

Confirm allocation:

Second dose of PFIZER BABY (6 months to 4 years with or SEM comorbidities) – 4 weeks after D1.

Second dose of CORONAVAC (3 to 4 years)—4 weeks after D1.

Second dose of Pediatric Pfizer (5 to 11 years) – 8 weeks after D1

Second corona dose (5 OU MAIS) – 4 weeks after day 1

Second dose of JANSSEN (18 years or older) – 8 weeks after first/single dose of Janssen

8 weeks after the second dose of OXFORD – D1.

Second dose Pfizer – Year 12 OU MAIS – 8 weeks after D1.

Second dose for pregnant and postpartum populations – 8 weeks after D1.

REFORÇO DA PFIZER PEDIATRIC is indicated for children aged 5 to 11 years with complications of OU SEM – at an interval of 4 months após D2.

Third dose of PFIZER BABY (6 months to 4 years with or SEM comorbidities) – 8 weeks after D2.

The 3rd dose of the Coronavac vaccine schedule for children aged 3 and 4 years (COM or SEM complications) will be started after D2, with an interval of 4 months.

Third dose (primary regimen) Immunosuppression – Bivalent vaccine – 12 years or older – 8 weeks after D2.

Third dose/REFORÇO PFIZER – 12 years OU MAIS – 4 months after D2.

Third dose/CORONAVAC REFORÇO – 12 years OU MAIS – 4 months after D2.

Bivalent vaccine REFORÇO – is suitable for people who have taken at least 2 doses of the monovalent vaccine – 4 months apart after the last dose of the main or booster programme.

Text: Ascom/SMS

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