El Telegrafo – Red-footed boobies are the animals most affected by avian influenza viruses in the Galapagos Islands

Species most affected by virus Avian Influenza inside Galapagos Islands yes red-footed boobiesreport José Antonio Davalos, Minister atmospherebroadcast on Ecuadorian TV on the morning of September 20, 2023.

they are at least 60 red-footed boobies die These days because of the virus. Davalos said other species were not affected, and there were even baby birds born to young parents, while adult birds were not infected.

“Let’s try separate other animals This way other groups of people are not exposed to contamination, but we will constantly monitor if this happens,” he added.

on the island early detection protocol, Starting from the past two days, Strengthen internal controls and other actions to minimize the possibility of spread of virus through other locations on the archipelago, except for the island of Genovisa, where the first case was recorded.

In 2023, two entry points will be opened. X-ray control.

also, tourists There are also certain regulations that must be followed when moving between islands in the Ecuador Islands region biosafety parametersThe main one is to clean your boots before entering the island, as there is the possibility of carrying feathers from infected birds and spreading the pathogen.

Davalos said it is virtually impossible to determine the origin of the virus because it may have arrived in the Galapagos Islands with birds migrating from the islands. Colombia, Peru and even Central America.

For its part, Galapagos National Park details thisre Five samples were tested, three of which tested positive Avian Influenza H5N1; however, the collected material will be sent to the National Public Health Institute (INSPI) in Guayaquil for confirmation.

Is there a vaccine possible?

The minister noted that a bird flu vaccine would only be included in the plan if it saw the disease develop and prevent its emergence. prevent extinct. He explained that it was “much more difficult and much more expensive” than vaccinating chickens in captivity. Well, the red-footed boobies should be caught.

How did chickens and chickens get into the Galapagos?

Regarding bird flu cases recorded on the continent, Davalos says entry will not be allowed One day old chicken. Eggs only and in compliance with protocol. But later, when cases began to decline, day-old chickens were allowed to fly in and eggs were allowed to fly in. “But this means Dual control“He added.

He also said that there is a protocol Raise chickens and hens to avoid bird flu.

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