Elba Markovecchio talks about Jorge Lanata’s health

Jorge Lanata He was admitted to the hospital for observation on Tuesday Favaloro Foundation because of a picture pneumonia. In this context, his wife, Elba MarcovecchioDetails are given on the driver’s development and when he will return to television.

in the air DDM (USA)she was a member of the panel, the lawyer explained: “He’s okay.He had a small form of pneumonia and later got. It all started early on Monday and always, always, like everyone, everything evolves better if it’s caught on time. I cross my fingers because you always have to cross your fingers. We noticed that it was going well. He is taking antibiotics“.

She then recounted the circumstances surrounding her husband’s eventual hospitalization: “On Sunday he was fine, he went through the procedure normally, but it was Monday morning at dawn. The hospital stay was uneventful. In fact, I was here on Monday because I is and everything is under control“.

Elba Marcovecchio details her husband’s bout with pneumonia and looks forward to his return to the small screen. (Photo: TN Photography)

I have a little fever. equal, 38, 38.2 is enough for him…38 loaded,” he joked in reference to the famous Divididos song.

He added: “I was a bit rowdy and something was going on so we spoke to the doctor and he told us to go in a little later so he could arrange things. So We went to the hospital peacefully“.

Comparing this hospitalization to his last one, Elba stressed: “During his other hospitalization, I couldn’t come here because the truth is we were very worried. There was only a little bit of breathing in the middle of that one and it seemed like everything at the time It was all good, but then it wasn’t. But things were different, On the other hand we are scared. At this point, I cross my fingers.“.

How’s Jorge Lanata’s spirit?

When asked about the presenter’s mood and the possibility of returning to television, the lawyer revealed: “On Sunday he said he was going to do the show. Let me tell you something, if it wasn’t for being there, I would have been able to do this.. In fact, Jorge wants to stay home tomorrow because the awards show is about to air. product. So we are waiting. But everything is under control. If it wasn’t for Jorge, I would have gone home. “

The panelists wondered if it was possible for Lanata to quit smoking, but Elba said it wasn’t worth discussing: “This is a very personal issue for him. There’s no disputing that, Jorge wins.You have to pick your battles and it’s a losing battle for me. He smokes less than before, but all cravings start with people. No matter how much you tell him, it’s a losing battle. “

Jorge Lanata hopes to return to television next Sunday (Photo: capture Eltrece)

“I’m fine, I see him fine, he has so much energy, so much stuff… Wherever there’s a little problem, just go to the hospital. It’s hard to be a companion. But there are people who do it for love. You love it very much The person you care for or stay with. Sometimes nursing care is not involved as care is the responsibility of the hospital. definite. Being with him is love. Sometimes it’s not that easy, Always a silent, invisible character. But it’s out of love: when you accompany him, you don’t expect anything in return,” he concluded.

Source: Tennessee

This entry was posted on November 2, 2023 at 2:50 pm

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