Eliminate only one food

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How to lose five kilograms in a week: Eliminate just one foodDV

at that time slim down and want Maintain healthier lifestyle habitsthere is one maxim you should know very well and which is almost always fulfilled: There is no magic diet. Indeed, start lose excess weight This is a difficult and tedious routine, especially for those who have never dieted or barely exercised.Patience and a consistent diet are two fundamental pillars on the road to success lose weight. Additionally, you must remember that Exercising is just as important as eating well. Note that this doesn’t mean you should spend countless hours running on the treadmill or elliptical or sacrifice leisure time at the gym. You can implement different routines without leaving your home, and you’ll see incredible results.


However, when starting a healthy lifestyle For best results, you should eliminate only one food from your diet. It’s about sugar. By eliminating this product from your diet, you will be able to lose five kilograms in a month. What key foods should you eliminate? Sugary drinks, pastries, industrial products… Pay attention to what you eat during the most important meals of the day Just like breakfast translates into amazing results in the short term.

Not just a salad

Eating healthy doesn’t mean eating only lettuce and tomato salad or being hungry all the time. There are many low-calorie foods that are essential allies in coping with the diet and can be used as snacks between meals.

return It is important to make it clear that you must forget about alcohol. These types of drinks, like soft drinks, are the most fattening and can cause health problems. Believe it or not, beer is the least fattening, while cocktails or mixed drinks are the least fattening.return For many people, staying away from “fun” like pastries is crucialChocolate Palms and other candies, no matter how delicious they are, only make us gain weight.

Simple and effortless way to lose weight

9 tips to help you lose weight

  1. Eat hard-boiled eggs in the morning: they are filling, rich in protein, and low in fat.

  2. nut snacksseeds and fruits: they provide energy and are healthy

  3. Drink water before meals and snacks: This can reduce hunger pangs.

  4. Eat lentils and beans for lunch: they’ll keep you full until your next meal.

  5. give up light drinks, They trigger sugar cravings.

  6. Spice it up with curry: Pungent spices increase body heat, causing us to burn more calories.

  7. Drink coffee– Increases metabolic rate, directing the body to use more stored fat for energy.

  8. Getting seven to eight hours of sleep each night helps regulate blood sugar levels and keeps hunger and appetite hormones balanced.

  9. Vitamin D: You will get it from the sun. Increase fat burning.

What to drink

Water is an essential beverage in every diet

  • mineral water.

  • Tea: Black, white, red, green, matcha, chai, kombucha (sugar-free).
  • Coconut water: Add ice cubes, coconut flakes and a squeeze of lime juice.
  • juice Fresh dilute with water.
  • juice fresh vegetables.

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