Emergency collapse in Tenerife | The end of the shock plan and the flu clears the emergency corridors of the HUC

Shock plan and end of influenza clear HUC’s emergency corridorsThat day

Extraordinary shock planning and improvements in the influenza epidemiological situation The corridors of the emergency department of the University Hospital of the Canary Islands (HUC) are almost completely empty after months of constant saturation and even collapse.


On Thursday, the center’s management held several meetings to finalize some measures to avoid a collapse of services, but woke up to no patients in the corridors. According to the center’s management, multiple circumstances had to occur simultaneously. “First, the improvement of the epidemiological situation,” they explained from the center.latest report acute respiratory infection surveillance The IRA (Irish Republican Army) in the Canary Islands (corresponding to the third week of the year) shows that the epidemic curve has been declining for several consecutive days. That week, the incidence rate was 887.36 cases per 100,000 residents. This number is well below the 1,254.72 cases per 100,000 residents recorded during the peak flu season at the end of the year.

However, the center’s management believes that the impact of measures taken in the service has also begun to attract attention, both in the short and long term. These include adding staff, providing new space for patients, acquiring new service equipment or moving forward with planned improvements to the hospital’s central facilities. In fact, during the weeks at the peak of influenza and other respiratory illnesses, a 100-bed multi-purpose building adjacent to the emergency area was already in use at the HUC.

Despite the good news for services at the hospital, which was assessed as one of the worst in Spain at the start of the week, management is cautious about improvements. “It must be taken into account that the influx of patient care is highly variable and can also be affected by haze or carnival, for example,” stressed the center’s management. Health Minister Esther Monzón Ben Zhou recalled that HUC is an “old” hospital with a “growing and aging” designated staff.

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