Emma Di Modesto Tells Us How She Stands Up For Life

Emma Di Modesto Tells Us How She Stands Up For Life

Emma of Modesto is a young Apulian rapper who recently made his debut with the title song “I hold my head”, A song that tells how a stubborn character faces the ups and downs of life. We exchanged a few jokes with him.

Your debut single is a laid back song that is, as the title suggests, almost insistent and aimed at standing out. How important is music to you in overcoming the vicissitudes of everyday life?

Music is important. Music is the only thing that never leaves you: it is the solution to problems and one of the main reasons why you are truly happy and fulfilled.

The song “Tango Testa” features hip-hop and rap sounds, which artists inspire you the most?

In fact I was born a blues guitarist and my influences are varied. I listen to BB King, Eric Clapton, but also the top of the international rap scene like Salmo, Caprezza or Kanye West and JayZ. This allows me a variety of sources to draw from diversifying each release.

How was the creative process of the song?

i keep my head This was written a few years ago and has undergone many changes. It was only after meeting with my current producer Michele D’Elia that it was possible to arrive at the final version which was recently available on all digital stores. I am very satisfied with the work done and I am sure it will keep getting better and better.

Which of the emerging Italian artists would you like to collaborate with?

Wepro, Dalila Spagnolo and Diego Naska… of course there could be many more but given the sheer amount of music that is published daily it is hard to keep up to date on all the new talent.

Would you like to participate in the talent show?

Probably yes, although I doubt it. For now I want to focus on forging my own path by surrounding myself with people who truly believe in me and my music, even if they don’t have amazing numbers.

What do you want for your near future?

Living what I write!

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