Emma Watson dons a robe at 14 after Harry Potter, surprising herself at a ceremony in Oxford

British actress Emma Watson surprised her students Oxford University to prepare for your matriculation graduation ceremony.

Emma if you have received a master’s degree in creative writing and is invited to the event along with the rest of the new students, including a tunic and dress.

That’s right, with the security team, as reported by the Daily Mail, who told a student who couldn’t help but blurt out: “This is the first time I’ve seen her in a Harry Potter tunic.”

In his presence, I surprised many assistants with a master who recorded on average every day, In most cases this can be done online., which is more related to your busy agenda. But Watson doesn’t want to miss the ceremony with his new teammates.

These studios are coming after this If you are a big fan of writing During the pandemic, I write thoughts, poems and essays, as she told me.

Emma has retired from acting since 2019, when the film Mujercitas was released, and has done so multiple times to date. if you heard “enjaulada and trapada” How can records come out in the Hollywood industry?

He also recently embarked on another business venture, joined by his brother Alex Watson, with whom he created the Geneva brand.

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