England is in shock! He called for a ceasefire in Gaza and was dismissed

The statement issued by the British Prime Minister’s Office said: “Paul Bristow has been asked to leave his position in the government following statements that are inconsistent with the principles of collective responsibility.”

“I can talk easily now.”

Speaking to the British press after his sacking, Bristow said: “I fully understand the Prime Minister’s decision. I regret leaving a job I enjoyed. However, I can now speak freely about an issue that many of my constituents care about.”

“Thousands were killed and more than a million displaced.”

In her letter to Prime Minister Sunak last Thursday, Bristow said: “My constituents and I are deeply saddened by the heartbreaking and devastating humanitarian crisis currently unfolding in Gaza. Thousands have been killed and over a million displaced. How will this make Israel safer?” “It is difficult to understand that this made things better or made anything better,” he said, stressing that Palestinians should not be punished en masse for Hamas attacks. Bristow stated that a permanent ceasefire will save lives, and stated that the ceasefire will ensure that aid reaches those who need it most.

18% of the population of Bristow electoral area are Muslims

While many opposition MPs supported the calls for a ceasefire, a small number of conservative MPs supported them. The Muslim population in Bristow, Peterborough, is about 18 percent, according to the latest census.

(Signs for translation) Israel

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