Ensenada Health Unit Offers Free Hepatitis C Testing

Symptoms of hepatitis C only appear in the advanced stages.

bay– In order to detect Hepatitis C in time and initiate appropriate treatment to avoid serious consequences, the Ensenada Health Services Jurisdiction authorities report that all their units conduct completely free detection tests.

Alma Anglica Jasso Castillo, Head of the Hepatitis and AIDS Program, explains that it is a rapid test that can either rule out or confirm the result within fifteen minutes; if the test is positive, he is referred to the health center closest to his home to start the free treat.

He reported that hepatitis C only causes symptoms when it is already in an advanced state, so he recommends that people get an annual rapid preventive test.

He mentioned that if not detected and treated in time, the disease may be accompanied by a lifetime. In addition to serious consequences for the liver, it can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer and even death.

Finally, Yasso Castillo urged citizens to prevent the disease by avoiding unprotected sex, getting tattoos or piercings in unhygienic places, or sharing syringes, razors and toothbrushes.

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