Epidemiological situation in Tucuman last week

The Ministry of Health has done an epidemiological balance and ensured that all indicators are good. One new death from coronavirus confirmed.

On Monday, the Ministry of Health established a new Situation Room, which balances the epidemiology of the past week Tucuman.

At that time, the head of the health department Luis Medina RuizThe commentary said that there were reports during the meeting that various indicators were good. On the epidemic front, he said he observed a moment of stabilization. “Regarding Covid-19, dengue and bronchiolitis are under control. As far as flu is concerned, cases are down, but influenza A virus is circulating. That’s why we encourage people to come to our care centers and get vaccinated because we have All vaccines against influenza A and B”.

In epidemiological week 31 (July 30-August 5), 103 new cases of Covid-19 were reported due to laboratory diagnosis. According to these figures, the cumulative number of cases in Tucumán stands at 388,879. Silver positive rate: 7.5%. In addition, one death was registered in the public sector. The patient was a 61-year-old male with comorbidities.

Moreover, the official said, overall, the future is very promising as they intend to have greater control over the metrics. The meeting also made it clear that monitoring of chronic non-communicable diseases should be strengthened. “In other words, those patients who consult our services for any other reason will be taken for hypertension control and should any symptoms be identified, they will be treated accordingly and included in the program. Additionally, it will seek testing at times Diabetes, high cholesterol, chronic kidney disease patients without symptoms,” the minister explained, adding that they will strengthen the control of tumor diseases.

Ms. Rita Ivanovic, head of the Situation Office of the Epidemiology Bureau, said that the dengue outbreak was analyzed at the US level, as well as at the national and provincial levels. Respiratory diseases.

“The number of dengue notifications in the province is very low and the outbreak season is over. However, it is important to avoid mosquito breeding grounds to prevent the disease from reappearing,” said Ivanovic. As for bronchiolitis, he said cases were down across the country. In this sense, he advises not to expose young children to crowded environments and try to go to ventilated places.

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