Epidemiologist answers vaccination concerns

The Spanish Epidemiology Society (SEE), through its Vaccination Working Group, has published a guide answering the most frequently asked questions about the Covid-19 and influenza vaccination campaign, which brings important news this autumn. Science remembers Covid-19 continues to lead to severe cases of illness This requires hospitalization and may even lead to death in some people. In accordance with the recommendations of the World Health Organization (WHO), this vaccination campaign will use a vaccine made from the XBB subvariant of the Ómicron strain. This is because the SARS-CoV2 virus has not stopped evolving, and vaccines made from the original strain (the Wuhan strain) now have very low protection against new variants. Currently, as stated in a document prepared by SEE, the Covid-19 vaccine is recommended for people aged 60 or over; people aged 5 or over who are in shelter and people under 60 with at-risk conditions. It also applies to pregnant women and women within six months of giving birth, cohabitants of people who are immunosuppressed and people working in health, social care and essential public services. Taking into account the current epidemiological situation, in which the spread of the virus has increased but not the severity, most international expert organizations believe that Covid-19 vaccination should focus on the above-mentioned groups. .

number of doses

The SEE also clarified some issues related to obtaining adapted vaccine doses required. Best protection against Covid-19. One dose of the adapted vaccine is sufficient to provide protection in people aged five or older, regardless of whether they have had one or more previous doses of other vaccines against Covid-19 or have had the disease.However, people of pediatric age or with severe immunosuppression may need Extra dose.

Children aged six months to eight years should receive two doses, at least four weeks apart, if they have not been vaccinated before. Additionally, if a person has been vaccinated against Covid-19 or has been recently infected, they cannot receive the adapted vaccine for three months.Influenza vaccine recommended for children and young adults for first time smoker.

Regarding this year’s flu vaccine, SEE recalls that it is suitable for the same groups as the Covid-19 vaccine, although it is also recommended for other groups. For example, systematic influenza vaccination was introduced for the first time for all children aged 6 to 59 months and for smokers.Also indicated for use in individuals 5 to 18 years of age receiving long-term acetylsalicylic acid treatment due to the risk of Reye’s syndrome; Students doing internships at centers of health and social care; and persons with occupational exposure to animals or their secretions on farms, poultry, pig, mink or wildlife farms. The latter is recommended to reduce the risk of infection with human and animal viruses, which would favor the emergence of novel influenza viruses adapted to the human species. In the case of the flu vaccine, a single dose is enough to provide protection. However, children aged 6 months to 8 years with at-risk conditions who have not been vaccinated in other years must receive two doses, at least 4 weeks apart.

They can be administered simultaneously

Finally, SEE remember that both vaccines (flu and COVID-19) can be given at the same time as long as they are completed located in different anatomical locations And use different syringes and needles. This does not increase side effects and in this way facilitates immunization of both vaccine candidates.

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