Euskadi sees new declines in flu and coronavirus transmission

Masks no longer mandatory at health centers The Basque government remains committed to the recommendation to use basqueti and other precautionary measures it has been adhering to since Friday.

newo Reduced incidence of acute respiratory infections In the fourth week of the year, you can do so through an order published by the Ministry of Health last Thursday in the Official Gazette of the Basque Country (BOPV), eliUndermining the Ministry of Health’s “unilaterally imposed obligations”According to the Ministry of Health, this is despite the fact that Basquedi has one of the lowest incidence rates in the state”.


The latest acute respiratory infection (ARI) surveillance report, Corresponds to the fourth week of 2024noting the new drop Transmission of influenza virus and incidence of covid-19, and detected Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and bronchiolitis diagnosis.

However, the ministrye Salud stands by its advice Basque citizens “like the vast majority of people” continue to take the recommended precautions in all places and situations where there is a greater risk of contagion.

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