Experts expect flu to return to normal, with single peak throughout winter

this Spanish Society of Family and Community Medicine (SemFYC) He hopes this year normal according to influenzathere is a popular peak between months February and March.

SemFYC believes vaccination campaign This autumn, we will run in various autonomous regions starting from October 16th. Covering possible epidemic waves In February and March, this will return to pre-pandemic single peak levels.

Social Review, 2022, Once atypical flu season The onset is early and two waves of pandemic (November and December for influenza A and January to February for influenza B).

Almost no flu cases recorded in 2020 and 2021. According to SemFYC, given this volatility in previous activity, the current forecast model, They aim to return to normal in 2023.

However, considering the possibility that a case may be brought, SemFYC Vaccination recommended for vulnerable groupsFor example, people over 59 years old and under 60 years old with immunosuppression and cohabitants, people with chronic heart disease, respiratory system, kidney, liver, diabetes and other diseases, as well as pregnant women and medical staff.

The main novelty this year is its inclusion in the vaccination campaign child population From 6 months to 59 months, it includes not only those with dangerous diseases, but also healthy minors.Recommended vaccination for healthy people in this age group is the fact that children are Main influenza vectors, between them and toward the adults.If in the adult population one in ten has the flu, then in children This percentage increases to 30%three out of ten.

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According to SemFYC, the campaign aims to Prevent the spread of viruses “Influenza,” which causes influenza, is characterized by seasonality.

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