Experts offer advice on the flu and flu symptoms

Emphasize the importance of proper hand washing.

file | Indicates the need to take simple and effective measures, such as the use of masks

In light of the recent increase in flu and influenza cases in Guyana City, pediatric infectious diseases physician Rafael Wong said it is multi-factorial.

Experts explain that the resumption of school activities, which represent different age groups in confined areas, is a trigger for respiratory illnesses including the common cold, flu and influenza.

Regarding influenza, it warns that we must remain vigilant about cases in the city’s pediatric, school and infant populations because of its risk factors as well as covid-19.


He said that the most common symptoms when seeing a doctor are upper respiratory tract symptoms, runny nose, cough, sneezing, fever and gastrointestinal symptoms.

Dr. Huang emphasizes that the order of symptoms is not diagnostic of the disease as there is great symptom variability among them, and if you experience any symptoms, please go to a trusted doctor and investigate the cause of the symptoms.

Another factor affecting contagion is the lack of immunization against covid-19 and influenza viruses that can be detected in the offices of infectious disease specialists and pediatricians.

“For example, parents sometimes do not vaccinate their children due to lack of knowledge about the flu vaccine or lack of financial possibilities, or simply out of denial or fear, which again triggers respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses related to these viruses.”


As an expert, he said that it is necessary to take simple and effective measures, such as the use of masks, but this should not be imposed, but rather should be seen as self-protection that “does not have to be imposed” on any institution. “

It is mentioned that in China and Japan, two overpopulated countries, masks are commonly used to prevent disease and deal with infections; as happens with vulnerable oncology patients or immunosuppressed patients.

It is part of education and must come from the family and the same institution.

Hygiene and hand washing

Restoring hygiene measures and proper hand washing is necessary. Huang pointed out that few commercial establishments and other places in the city maintain this alcohol gel measure at their entrances.

By relaxing these measures, such as hand hygiene, it becomes the first mechanism for disease transmission.

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