Experts recommend restoring skin after summer

After the summer, it’s normal for your skin and hair to feel more fragile, damaged and dry. It’s possible to get back to good health if you follow a series of simple tips.

“andsun, air, heat and exposure to chemicals, e.g. chlorinethis sea ​​salt anyone Soap Being ‘too aggressive’ can cause damage to skin and hair, explains Marta Alcalde, member of the Association for Dermatological Pharmacy and Health Products College of Pharmacists of Barcelona (COFB). Regarding these factors, Dermofarmacia del member Tomás Muret Ramón Official College of Pharmacists of the Balearic Islands (Cofib)two additional reagents were added: skin and hair”dietary changesbecause people drink more fat and alcohol in summer” and only on the hair “Wet Hair Updo“.

For all of these reasons, when we return from vacation, we often notice that our skin is “more Dehydration and dryingwith higher thickness and more Easy to peel” said the mayor. In addition, if there is not enough protection, “it is also possible that Stains”.

For people with the following conditions psoriasis, acne or similar conditions that can be improved by sunlight exposure, “they experience a rebound effect once summer is over,” the expert added.

in hair, The consequences of exposure to the above factors are: “Texture modification, dehydration,Increase vulnerability, color loss and flexibilityWait, my scalp is itchy. ” commented National Dermatology Pharmacy Pharmacist Member.

Skin care tips

Muret points out that because of the changes in skin care during the summer, we must “Restore healthy habits: Daily skin care, balanced diet, physical exercise… Cofib members point out that for healthy skin, this procedure should be Three steps: “Hygiene, hydration, sun protection”, supplemented by specific weekly treatments. “

According to Eduardo Senante, a pharmacist in Zaragoza, “The first advice is to take it one step at a time. Changes should not be radical, he worked on introducing active ingredients and creams little by little.

In the health stage, Facial cleansing is the first step”, “Using products suitable for our skin type, which should be used morning and night, and at the end we will condition the skin to balance it, refresh it and tighten the pores,” says Muret.

In this sense, the senator remembers “We must use cleansers that help compensate for skin dehydration so they are gentle and detergent-free. ” Additionally, the active ingredients we use should “help maintain The skin barrier, so hyaluronic acid, niacinamine and ceramides are used.

The mayor pointed out that first we must “Use exfoliating products, frequency of use will vary depending on skin type. “

To rehydrate, Muret recommends using: In addition to moisturizer, other supplements can be used, such as serum or blistersaccording to each skin type. moisturizing products applied to skin they mustContains moisturizing substances and rich lipids Such as soybean oil, olive oil, rosehip oil…”, explains Alcalde.

For those who have already more exposure to sunlightable useCosmetics containing a high proportion of antioxidants as Vitamin C and and “This will help eliminate free radicals and repair some damaged structures,” say COFB experts. If we notice spots on our skin, “depigmentation treatments should be performed to eliminate them,” notes Alcalde.

Finally, to take care of our skin, all experts recommend Use sunscreen annual.

Spots and acne after sun exposure

The appearance of spots and more pronounced expression wrinkles is also common after the summer months. For such questions, Senante suggests “Combining ingredients like retinoids with alpha hydroxy acidssuch as glycolic acid, which will help us eliminate dead cells on the surface of the skin.

Additionally, his advice is to use antioxidants in the morning to “prevent environmental damage after summer.”

Yes, apart from these issues, Acne appears on the skin, Senant’s advice is “user Lighter moisturizers and ingredients like salicylic acid, which will help clean pores and eliminate oil. “It can also be combined with retinoids and acetic acid that aid in skin renewal, which can also help relieve skin congestion and reduce inflammation.”

Tips for caring for your hair after summer

In order to tone our hair we can follow the following treatments, products and advice:

  • use shampoo Have certain characteristics. Muret suggests that they include neutral pH The mayor noted that they must “Soft and contains “relubricating” active ingredients to compensate for lost lipids.
  • Apply mask. COFB members recommend using a “nourishing mask instead of conditioner.”For his part, Murray suggested choosing serum or oil. If our hair is very dry and damaged, Alcalde recommends using conditioner.
  • Avoid using hair dryers and straighteners to dry your hairif you use them, Apply heat protectant first “It forms a film around the hair to promote brush glide, which promotes styling,” explains Alcalde.

Building on previous recommendations, Cofib Dermopharmacy members have added the following:

  • haircutremove the damaged part and clean the tip.
  • Comb your hair with a comb The right brush and Don’t pick it up when wet.
  • Taking nutraceuticalsa nutritional supplement that can help “restore and maintain hair health” in three months.

Other tips

Muret recommends “bringing healthy living habits,A healthy balanced dietimplement sports and Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol“. The mayor suggested” Take good water intake orally, and ASA Include plenty of fresh products in your diet and use nutritional supplements Vitamin based arrive,B.C, d and E and more specific minerals, e.g. calciumzinc, iron and magnesium“.

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