Experts say China’s pneumonia epidemic may last another two weeks

Beijing China.

from various health experts China Predicting respiratory disease outbreaks “Known pathogen” thus affecting asian giant Lately, this may last one to two weeks.

“The peak period influenza it can last another week One or two, the most affected groups are children And young people, because many of them have to meet when they go to school. School Li Tongzeng, director of the infectious disease department at Beijing You’an Hospital, told the pro-government newspaper Global Times.

The doctor and other experts told local media that respiratory tract infection exist China is caused by a variety of factors, including the overlap of multiple factors Respiratory Diseasesan “immune gap” occurs due to the reduction in Antibody Targeting these pathogens and the impact of the pandemic Coronavirus disease.

this Pandemic This has resulted in “reduced social interaction, frequent school closures and in-person working” which has resulted in “immunity gap“With the reduction Antibody.

In addition, children born during this period Pandemic “Less contact” Pathogen This outbreak makes them “more vulnerable” to Respiratory tract infections.

On Sunday, the Health Commission China Local authorities urged to increase numbers Clinic Treat cases of fever caused by these “known pathogens.”

Mi Feng, spokesman for the National Health and Family Planning Commission, said at a press conference that “the increase in acute respiratory infection cases is related to the simultaneous circulation of multiple types.” Pathogen, especially the flu. “

Rice said the outbreak was caused by “known pathogens” such as seasonal influenza, rhinovirus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, respiratory syncytial virus and adenovirus.

Representatives of the Chinese National Health Commission held a video conference with World Health Organization (WHO) officials last week, at which Chinese officials introduced Monitoring data and detection of causative pathogens Respiratory Diseases, and agreementand diagnosis and treatment.

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The notice was issued following a request from the World Health Organization China Details about the recent increase in cases Respiratory Diseases and an outbreak of childhood pneumonia.

this Chinese authorities They had already called for greater coordination between primary care and hospitals last Thursday to deal with the rise in cases. Respiratory tract infections.

Official agencies quoted officials from the Asian giant’s health committee as sayingXinhua News Agency, The agency has introduced a series of measures to “improve diagnosis and treatment capabilities.” respiratory tract infection common in community health centers and hospitals,” and “facilitates identification and referralSerious circumstances“. Effie

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