Experts warn of high incidence of kidney stones in summer

Malaga, August 1 (European Press) –

According to experts, the incidence of kidney stones, or nephrolithiasis (commonly known as kidney stones), can increase by as much as 40 percent during the summer months.

The reason, they point out, is that kidney stones, the most common type, result from a buildup of calcium, other minerals, and salts in the kidneys or urinary tract. “As the temperature rises, we sweat more, which leads to a loss of body water, and the concentration of these substances is higher, which increases the risk of kidney stones,” explains Dr. José Ángel Gómez, Director of Urology at the Quirónsalud Hospital in Malaga .

The main advice is as simple as explaining why. The solution is in a hydrated state. The large fluid loss has to be compensated by the intake of water, which is essential for excreting everything through urine, also in the case of stone formation.

For this reason, doctors recommend drinking plenty of water, but also other types of fluids, such as soups, infusions, or juices. “Prevention through hydration is paramount, and not only in summer, although the problem is more common in summer for obvious reasons related to temperature.”

“Insufficient hydration is a common cause of all types of urolithiasis or calculi, among which, in addition to calcium stones, uric acid stones and stones caused by infection are also prominent,” he added.

Kidney stones vary in size, from a grain of sand to a fairly large stone. Kidney stones can pass naturally through the urine as long as simple recommendations are followed, such as getting enough water as mentioned above, they said in a statement.

But they can also lodge in the kidneys or travel through the urinary tract and get stuck, blocking the urinary tract and causing painful renal colic. This is the most common symptom of kidney stones, such as sudden, sudden, severe pain. Other times, kidney stones can be discovered incidentally through radiology tests or urinary tract sepsis. An infection that causes pain, discomfort, and fever.

If kidney stones do not pass through urine on their own, urologists have specialized techniques to remove them, and lithotripsy is the treatment of choice.

Urology service at the Quirónsalud Hospital in Malaga, led by doctors José Ángel Gómez Pascual and Francisco Antuña Calle The department has treated approximately 3,000 patients with extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy (ESWL); it is the first choice for the resolution of kidney or ureteral stones by eliminating surgery and general anesthesia by eliminating the famous kidney stones in a minimally invasive manner.

They point out that the service has a state-of-the-art Donier Lithotriptor prototype, which guarantees precision and efficiency, which, combined with an excellent medical team, make it a reference center in eastern Andalusia.

Gómez Pascual emphasizes: “Its crushing effect is amazing, and it takes only about an hour of training to crush stones and achieve a very high level of success”.

Likewise, it states that “treatment is carried out on a day hospital system, without hospitalization, with analgesia or deep sedation to avoid pain and anesthesia problems, and is discharged one or two hours after the end of treatment, if the clinic permits.” This is done, but only if the patient is brought home by a companion”.

“This level of facility and efficiency has enabled the lithotripsy service to treat 3,000 patients with a single-treatment success rate of over 80% in treating the dreaded kidney stone since its inception. 2012”.

“Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy has undoubtedly reached a very high level of effectiveness, and although it represents the basis of the therapeutic approach, it should under no circumstances be considered the only procedure for the treatment of urinary stones. Other procedures, such as laser Endoscopic lithotripsy and percutaneous laser nephrolithotomy are very important, so we defend the complementarity between the different procedures currently available”, as is the case in the urology service of the Quirónsalud Hospital in Malaga.

To this end, a team led by Gómez Pascual and Antuña Calle approached the diagnosis and treatment of stones from a comprehensive perspective. The hospital has all means for the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of kidney stones.

Furthermore, “coupled with 24-hour emergency services, diagnostic imaging, and high-level laboratory support, professionals in urology services have all the tools to decide which is the best option for stone removal, as well as the studies necessary to avoid recurrence.”

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