Experts warn of possible illnesses in fall

Allergies occur at this time of year

As leaves change color and temperatures begin to drop, health experts are warning about potential illnesses that often crop up in the fall. While fall is a beautiful season, it also brings health risks that we must be aware of to stay healthy. Here are some of the major health concerns during this season:

1. Respiratory tract infection: As fall approaches, the air becomes colder and drier, which increases the spread of respiratory viruses like the flu and common cold. It is highly recommended to get a flu shot and to practice hygiene measures such as frequent hand washing and wearing a mask in crowded places.

2. Allergy: Fall is also a time of increased levels of airborne allergens such as weed pollen and fungi. This may trigger allergic symptoms in sensitive people. Be sure to follow your prescribed allergy treatments and see a specialist if symptoms worsen.

3. Tick-borne diseases: In some areas, ticks remain active in the fall. This increases the risk of tick-borne diseases, such as Lyme disease. If you are outdoors in a tick-prone area, wear protective clothing and perform tick checks after spending time outdoors.

4. Seasonal depression: For some people, reduced sunlight and changes in daily routine may trigger seasonal depression. Maintain a regular sleep schedule, seek social support, and consider light therapy if you experience symptoms of depression.

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