Fake news alert: They deny guanaco killed in video came from bird flu

The videos circulating on social networks in the past few hours are old, dating back to 2020 in Santa Cruz. Víctor Fratto from the Puerto Madryn Municipal Environmental District warned people to be wary of fake news.

In the face of cases of bird flu in animals in the Valdés peninsula, in recent hours a video has begun circulating on the Internet in which a dead guanaco is seen, and many people have begun to report that it was caused by bird flu. Municipal sources have completely denied the video and warned of fake news.

While the region remains on alert and the virus has claimed the lives of at least sea lions off the coast of the peninsula, videos circulated on social networks showing dead guanacos, The incident occurred in Santa Cruz province in 2020, and the cause of his death was a severe snowstorm in the jurisdiction.


Related Notes: Sea lions infected with bird flu: affected beaches are monitored daily, and activities are suspended for 15 days

Many people want to link it to bird flu. With that in mind, Puerto Madryn Environmental District official Víctor Fratto came out this Sunday to alert the community to the virality of videos with incorrect data: “Let’s take responsibility for the videos we spread and find out before spreading fake videos”.

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