Federico Mangione starts the flu vaccination process

Flu vaccination

Flu vaccination

SALTA (Editorial) – The current dengue epidemic in Salta is critical. Last week, there were 4,424 new confirmed cases in the province, a year-on-year increase of 80.5%.Against this unfavorable background Ministry of Public Healthby developing Federico Mangione,process Flu vaccination.

To this end, the province has launched a comprehensive immunization phase to prevent major diseases.he Minister Federico Mangione The launch took place at the Juan Domingo Peron Hospital in the province of San Martin. He also went to the Sant Vitoria Este Hospital and was accompanied by the Minister of Health Services, Martin Monerisand deputy director of the Department of Social Medicine, Gabriella DorigatoWaiting for health authorities.

The launching ceremony of the immunization phase in Salta City was held at Health Center No. 60. In this way, influenza vaccination will be available in all hospitals in the province of Salta. In addition, free vaccination is available to all high-risk groups in health centers and public vaccination centres.

Simulate so-called federalism

People are also trying to demonstrate some federalism through flu vaccinations. Mangione stressed: “Today we begin the province-wide vaccination campaign against influenza, and we launch this campaign in Tatagal because we want to decentralize the operation, as requested by Governor Gustavo Saenz, so that We can go everywhere with health.”

On the other hand, it sends a message to the entire community. «Vaccines are one of the most important tools to avoid disease and save lives. That is why I ask people to get vaccinated and not to be afraid of vaccines, because they are safe and will give them a better quality of life,” Mangione stressed.

It is important to consider that the influenza vaccine can reduce complications in high-risk groups. In this way, hospitalizations, deaths and sequelae caused by influenza virus infection are reduced. Typically, flu vaccination campaigns begin in the fall with the goal of immunizing the population before winter, when the virus spreads more.

Flu vaccination

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