Ferrari: stars that will never appear in their lives again, and what they did

Brand exclusivity ferrari he is well known among Prancing Horse fans, who appreciate him for that as well. Few people can afford them, especially since restrictive rules are applied, the violation of which leads to inclusion in the notorious black list. What does it mean? That if you break the clear rules enforced by Drake, you will no longer be able to buy another one.

Ferrari: blacklisted celebrities

Thoroughbred Ferrari

In the meantime, that copy will be sold out anyway, given the high demand, with a very limited supply. Each model is produced in several copies (or very few in the case of special editions), and this was also seen in the example Thoroughbred. Maranello’s first car with tall wheels was an immediate success, with some speculating that circulation might increase in the future.

The prospect is categorically denied by company officials. No matter how famous you are, with millions of followers around the world, Ferrari will always be number one, and you’ll notice that too as you read on. In fact, the names are quite prominent, coming from every industry including music and film.

Let’s start with Floyd Mayweather. The famous boxer, known for his flamboyant style, caused discontent among the Reds because of his decision to sell the sample before a year had passed since the purchase. Although he knew about the ban imposed by the upper floors, the athlete was not interested in him, hence the position.

He suffered the same fate 50 centsalbeit for other reasons. The American rapper came up with the dim idea of ​​filming his Ferrari after reporting mechanical problems. While the tow truck loaded her, he showered her with insults. Translated: many dear Curtis, we no longer want you in our exclusive club.

It didn’t get any better for the star of the big screen either. Nicolas Cage. The actor, plagued by economic problems, has sold his Enzo and will no longer be able to buy it.

Mandatory “no” shortened to Kim Kardashian instead, it depends on accepting a Ferrari as a gift from a Malaysian swindler who was included on the guest list. Someone is claiming to pay for the consequences of some disputes between ex-husband Kanye West and the Builder.

The list goes on and on, but the stars mentioned stand out from the rest. Each of them had the audacity to defy the Emilian company and, in the end, paid dearly for the consequences.

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