Fight Hepatitis C! In three years, SSE conducted 43,000 tests – El Heraldo de Chihuahua

According to Alfredo Guzman, head of the AIDS and sexually transmitted diseases program of the National Health Secretariat, between March 2020 and June 2023, 43,344 rapid hepatitis tests have been carried out at the state level.

In addition to these tests, more than 800 treatments have been provided to people who test positive for the disease through this strategy implemented since 2020, he explained.

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Every year on May 28th is World Hepatitis Day, whose motto is “Let’s build a healthy liver”, within the framework of this World Hepatitis Day, he said that there are different types of hepatitis, each of which has a different route of infection.

In the case of hepatitis C, it is spread through risky behaviors such as unprotected sex and sharing or reusing syringes, mainly for drug use, he added.

However, doctors noted that infections could also occur in people who handle syringes and other instruments that contain blood or fluids from an infected person.

It’s not just about medical staff or paramedics, but everyone who comes into contact with such materials, such as cleaning staff in areas, he added.

In this context, Dr. Alfredo Guzman explained that precautions should be taken, such as the use of latex gloves.

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Likewise, don’t use, reuse, or share syringes, in which case they’re for a certain drug.

Another preventive measure is to practice safe sex and use condoms to protect yourself, as not only hepatitis C but other diseases, including HIV and AIDS, can be transmitted when fluids are touched or exchanged.

He noted that this message was released within the framework of World Hepatitis Day, established by the World Health Organization with the motto “Let’s build a healthy liver”.

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