First Bugo, then Daniele Silvestri. Live music becomes the highlight of the Gazzetta di Reggio.

Reggio Emilia Bugo tonight, Thursday Daniele Silvestri. The concerts at the Iren Green Park Arena as part of the Festa del Pd in ​​Campovolo will be the highlight of the week. And on the comedy front, Emilia-Romagna’s best comedies will arrive with Giacobazzi scheduled for tomorrow and Paolo Cevoli and Duilio Pizzocchi on September 3rd. Tonight (free entry) is the turn of Christian Bugatti, better known as Bugo. The Milanese singer-songwriter, who has just celebrated his fiftieth birthday, boasts a long musical career. In fact, his first album with ironic and daring songs is dated 2002. In 2011, he released the seventh album in his career, “New Remedies for Myopia”, based on the single “My Eyes See”; contained in the soundtrack to the film “Mission of the pace”; in which Bugo even played the role of Quinzio’s soldier. Bugo returns to the music scene with the spontaneity and sincerity that have always distinguished him.

“Fantastore” will bring with it the successes of his long career and the new single “Un Bambino” (7 Srl / ADA Music Italy). Two years after his last recording, Bugo breaks the silence with a song that has no superfluous words: 100% rock and 0% superstructure. Harmonica, guitars, bass and drums are the key elements of the song, born immediately and recorded live by Bugo and his band.

On Thursday, the 31st day, the long-awaited concert of Daniele Silvestri will take place. Advance sales are open at ticket offices and at the headquarters of Archi di Reggio in Viale Ramazzini. The Roman singer-songwriter is touring Italy with the show Estate X, which is a truly outstanding success. We will dance to “Saliro” and all of Silvestri’s most famous hits, from “What we have in common” to “La paranza”, passing through “Gino e l’alfetta (I’m in a hurry)” and then offering new works included on the album “Disco X”, released on June 9th. The tenth disc of unpublished works, X is ten, but also “any”, unspecified or in some mysterious way. Ten songs that chose themselves and then became inseparable, despite their completely different and distant origins.

Ten stories, some of which wanted to tell other voices, and so among the guests on the disc we find – in strict alphabetical order – Davide Shorti, Eva, Emanuela Fanelli, Franco 126, Frankie hi-nrg MC, Fulminacci, Georgia, the Seltons and Rongoni. It will be a joy for Silvestri to be present at the event, to attract a cross-generational audience and to make his many pieces of music resonate throughout the square.


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