First case of bird flu reported on commercial farm in La Libertad

According to a statement from Senasa, all birds on the farm have been slaughtered and epidemiological surveillance has been established in the area.

in a The commercial farm is located in the district of Pacanguilla, province of Chipón, in the region of La Libertad.he National Agricultural Sanitary Service (Senasa) A confirmed case of avian influenza was found. Miguel Quevedo, Head of Senasareports that control protocols have been implemented immediately Prevent the spread of infectious diseases.

“The immediate priority is to control the situation and prevent the spread of the disease. “We are working with all parties involved to put stringent measures in place to reduce the risk and protect the nation’s poultry health. “explain.

According to instructions issued by Senasa, Affected birds were disposed of and buried, and all birds on the farm were culled. In strict accordance with the protocol, epidemiological surveillance was established in the area around the focus, covering farms and backyard hatcheries.

Senasa recommended pProtect poultry in a roofed netted space and implement footbaths (footwear disinfection device) at the entrance to the fence and Ensure wild birds have no access to water and food. Likewise, it is recommended to clean enclosures daily, wash hands before and after entering the enclosure to feed or care for birds, and avoid contact between wild birds and backyard hatchery birds.

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