First human case of H1N2 swine flu detected in UK

Man in UK infected with swine flu variant (Freepik)

As if this is a puzzle that is difficult to put together, british health and safety agency (UKHSA) is fighting for it contact tracing of infected persons swine flu subtypeafter the country announced the detection yesterday first human case of H1N2 strain.

The virus is different from the strain Influenza A H1N1 The 2009 swine flu pandemic killed more than 400 people in the UK.

Swine flu cases in UK North Yorkshire area, Now, surveillance of people with respiratory illness or symptoms, as well as prevention and hygiene measures on farms and slaughterhouses, have been stepped up.

“We are working quickly Tracing close contacts and reducing the possibility of spread. According to established protocols, an investigation will be conducted to find out how the person became infected and to assess whether there are more related cases. “He said. Meran ChandIncident Manager at the UK Health and Safety Agency (UKHSA).

There are different strains of swine flu virus (Getty)

Today explained that the contagious disease was discovered during “routine surveillance” for the influenza virus after his doctor tested positive for the disease when the person developed “respiratory symptoms.” The UKHSA said in a statement that the person suffered “mild illness” and had “fully recovered” from the H1N2 swine flu subtype.

A PCR analysis Then practice Genome sequencing Experts have confirmed the first human infection with the UK strain of the H1N2 virus.

as specified World Health Organization (World Health Organization) Swine influenza viruses generally do not infect humans, although outbreaks have occasionally been reported among people who have direct contact with pigs. There are also documented cases of human-to-human transmission.

In this sense, UKHSA says “The source of infection has not yet been determined” and therefore “still under investigation.”

Health authorities are working to track possible human infections (Freepik)

Likewise, veterinarians Christine Middlemiss Experts from the same UK health agency have assured that “expert scientific and veterinary knowledge” is being provided to strengthen UKHSA’s investigation into the first case detected in the UK. “Pig farmers should also immediately inform their local veterinarian of any suspected swine flu in their herds,” the experts added.

health authorities do not want Spread an alarm among the crowd They simply recommend following usual advice if experiencing respiratory discomfort and minimizing contact with other people while symptoms persist. It is especially recommended to stay away from the elderly and the frail.

he The origin of H1N2 infection has not yet been determined Nonetheless, this area of ​​investigation continues its regulatory process. Experts are still analyzing the pathological characteristics of swine flu and assessing the risks that swine flu may pose to personal health and public health.

Swine flu is currently present in many countries around the world (AFP)

In addition, official veterinary control agencies require pig farmers to formally report any suspected cases of swine flu in their herds to the local area. “we know Some animal diseases can be transmitted to humanswhich is why maintaining high levels of animal health, welfare and biosecurity is so important,” Middlemiss said.

Swine influenza A (H1N2) virus circulates among swine herds in many parts of the world. Human infection usually results from direct or indirect contact with pigs or contaminated environments. There may be important antigenic and genetic differences between seasonal influenza viruses circulating in humans globally and influenza viruses typically circulating in pigs.

Non-seasonal or zoonotic influenza viruses that infect humans can cause illness ranging from mild conjunctivitis to severe pneumonia and even death. Typically, these zoonotic influenza infections in humans are acquired through direct contact with infected animals or contaminated environments.

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