Five injections to fight the flu

To prevent influenza and respiratory illness, it is important to maintain a high-immunity diet so that you can fight off the effects of bacteria and viruses. You can also drink drinks, such as infusions, made from herbs rich in antioxidants, nutrients, and minerals, which can boost your immune system and relieve symptoms.

Colds and respiratory diseases are easy to occur in winter, but colds are not the direct cause, but the result of a combination of factors such as stress, lack of water, poor diet, and lack of rest.

chamomile tea

chamomile tea
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One of the recognized attributes Chamomile According to science, its anti-inflammatory abilities can help combat nasal congestion, hoarseness, and coughs.

Ginkgo biloba

Since it contains two powerful antioxidants such as ginkgolide and bilobalide, this plant has medicinal properties for treating colds and flu.

Despite scientific evidence that it has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging properties Ginkgo biloba, It is recommended to consult a specialist to accompany the treatment to avoid side effects.

ginger tea

ginger tea
Consuming natural remedies made from spices and herbs is believed to have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that can combat bloating and gas.
Image source: Shutterstock

Due to its analgesic, antibacterial and antipyretic properties, ginger has been used since ancient times as a home remedy for colds and flu.

Ginger has a spicy flavor, so combining it with other ingredients like honey, turmeric, lemon, and cinnamon accentuates the flavor and enhances the benefits. However, some people cannot eat it, such as pregnant women, gallstone patients, and people receiving anticoagulant treatment.

Bordo Infusion

Boldo is popular for its cold-fighting properties, as it eliminates bacteria such as Staphylococcus aureus, Indica, Tua Saude, and Streptococcus pyogenes (one of the causes of throat infections) that cause lung infections.

Boldo is a source of phenolic compounds, which have powerful antioxidant effects and help fight the effects of free radicals that cause cell damage.

onion tea

onion tea
Onions are expectorant and therefore helpful for flu or colds
Image source: Shutterstock

Onion tea with honey and lemon helps fight common colds and flu during the winter months. This is because onions have antiseptic and expectorant properties that can fight respiratory infections.

Honey helps eliminate phlegm and lemon provides vitamin C and has antibacterial properties.

continue reading:

. Onion tea: a winter drink, what’s it good for?

.Learn 3 Benefits of Cinnamon Clove Tea

.Black tea improves metabolism and repairs the pancreas

.Relieve Digestive Discomfort with These 3 Infusions

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