Five of the most effective home remedies to control colds

A man has a cold (Getty Images)

The change in temperature caused by the arrival of autumn causes many people to suffer from the typical colds that occur at this time of year.The common cold is a mild infection Upper respiratory tract (nose and throat) and the average adult experiences two to three colds per year.

Typical symptoms of a cold include sneezing, congestion and runny nose, sore throat, cough and headache, which may occur during 10 days and 14 days disappear. While there is no cure or magic bullet for this type of infection, there are different home remedies that can improve symptoms or shorten the length of a cold.

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Doctors’ advice for feeling better during a cold often includes rest, Take in lots of fluids, Rinse mouth with warm salt water, use saline nose drops or spray, or take over-the-counter pain relievers or cough and cold medicines. However, there are other home remedies that can help shorten the duration of the infection or improve symptoms, such as honey.

drink tea or hot water with lemon mix with honey According to different studies, this is one of the most traditional ways to relieve a sore throat, but honey can also be an effective remedy for reducing nighttime coughs and improving sleep. Additionally, lemons are rich in vitamin C and are known for their beneficial effects on the immune system.

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Other natural remedies include garlic, Has been shown to act as a natural antibiotic, helping to strengthen the body’s natural defenses, and gingerIt is known to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can relieve swelling and prevent many more serious diseases, such as cancer. It can be taken in the form of tea, food, or supplements.

Steaming can relieve nasal congestion (Shutterstock)

For most cold sufferers, nasal congestion is one of the most annoying symptoms.However, using steam can alleviate this situation as they allow drain nasal passages And it is easier to clear them and avoid headaches caused by nasal congestion. However, you must be careful when using this method as the vapors can cause skin burns.

Additionally, multiple studies show that using a cool mist humidifier or vaporizer can increase the humidity in your home and help relieve nasal congestion.Some scientific studies even suggest that maintaining a certain level of humidity Between 40% and 60% Can reduce the spread of respiratory viruses and prevent such infections.

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