Five VIPs wearing dental veneers

Have you ever envied the smile of a Hollywood star? Know that there is an infallible trick: le dental veneers. Also known as veneersDental veneers are very thin ceramic plates that are applied permanently to the surface of the tooth. In this way, the teeth will be naturally tidy, clean and with a dazzling smile, in a practical, simple and fast way.

There are more VIPs with dentures than we think: however, even if dental veneers do not have the same function as dentures, on closer inspection they allow you to change a person’s smile without having to resort to surgery. It is, in fact, an aesthetic treatment that has no negative impact on the original teeth, but at the same time is capable of giving a brand new smile to the wearer.

Aesthetic dental veneers: all the advantages

What are the advantages of aesthetic dental veneers? First of all, the general improvement of the smile, which is cleaner and tidier even without invasive surgery.

On the general set of teeth instead by straightening the underlying teeth where possible. Finally, dental veneers can be used to improve the occlusion of the mouth.

When is it possible to resort to the use of dental veneers? In case of crooked teeth to straighten, in case of dental diastema, in case of dental dyschromia, in case of dental fractures and finally in case of short teeth.

nicholas kage

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Dental veneers: when to use them?

If the teeth are crooked, dental veneers can be applied, as long as the problem is superficial and not structural. In the second case, in fact, it will be necessary to resort to complete traditional orthodontics.

If your teeth have too much space between them you can talk instead of dental diastema: In this case, veneers help reduce the excess space between the parts.

Or if it enamel is getting damaged or by staining, the application of dental veneers can help cover the underlying enamel and at the same time restore the right coloration of the entire mouth.

If the tooth presents microfracturesIn some cases it is possible to solve it with the application of dental veneers.

Finally, if the teeth seem short, it is possible to apply dental veneers, which will even out the teeth in a simple, practical and fast way.

VIPs with dentures: from Tom Cruise to Emma Watson

What are the VIPs with dentures who resort to the use of dental veneers to improve their smile? There is Tom Cruise, George Clooney, Emma Watson, Nicolas Cage and Ben Affleck.

Tom Cruise worked on his smile for a long time: if in the first part of his life, and film careerfixed his teeth with a traditional orthodontic appliance, in the second part he decided to appear the defects of the teeth with the application of dental veneers.

George Clooney started using the dental veneers recently, but his dental problem is lost in the mists of time: it seems that at the beginning of his career George Clooney used to grind his teeth due to anxiety and stress. In the long run, therefore, the surface of the teeth wore out, prompting Clooney himself to look for an alternative solution.

Another VIP that we would not expect is Nicolas Cage, one of the best known actors in Hollywood. Cage has always struggled to have good quality teeth, to the point that he recently adopted dental veneers, for an even more dazzling smile.

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Also Emma Watson resorts to this solution to improve his smile. You started with fixed braces and only later switched to this new and functional tool.

In the end, Ben Affleck it has been decided over the years to use them to improve his smile. In fact, during the filming of Will Hunting, Affleck had small and distant teeth; in Armageddon, however, he already sports a tidier and generally whiter smile.

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