Flu and COVID-19 pandemic slow down first week of year

In Castile and León, a wave of respiratory infections that have wreaked havoc on the population for weeks is starting to show signs of stabilizing, amid political debate over a decision by the Health Ministry to reinstate the mandatory use of masks in hospitals today. and wellness center. The incidence of the already famous “triple plague”, a mixture of influenza, covid-19 and respiratory syncytial virus, has increased since 2024, but at a much lower rate than in previous weeks, suggesting that the peak of infections has already arrived The positions are very close, and the rising amplitude of the curve gradually decreases. This is confirmed by the Acute Respiratory Infection Surveillance (Vigira) report of the Junta of Castile and León, which showed that the influenza incidence rate during the week of January 1 to 7, 2024 was 230 cases per 100,000 inhabitants – This is the last week of 2023 with 209 cases, not above average intensity levels, while covid-19 cases increased from 70 to 79 cases per 100,000 people.

The Ministry of Health hopes to end this health situation by reinstating the mandatory use of masks in hospitals and health centers. Yesterday’s decision is the seed of a new confrontation between Alfonso Fernández Manueco, president of the Popular Party and the Junta of Castilla and León, and Luis Tudanca, regional secretary of the Socialist Workers Party. “This is a smokescreen to cover up their incompetence and lack of planning,” the regional leader denounced at the door of the People’s Party’s national headquarters on Genova Street, criticizing the minister for “imposing” non-existent facilities on communities. According to Ical, this was the agreement reached at the plenary meeting of the Interregional Council of the National Health System.

Following the arguments made by the Minister of Health this Monday, the President of the Committee also wanted to know why the Minister Monica García did not take preventive measures on November 20 when she took office, which she called “a sign of theirs”. Incompetence masks the government’s shame and weakness. “He won’t be faced with the decisions that health care requires. “

This position of the regional leader was quickly echoed by the leader of the Socialist Workers Party of Castile and León, who shamed Fernández Manueco for his remarks that “confused Castile and The health of the people of Leon is put at risk by opposing the Spanish government”. Criticism of the obligation to use masks. “He has no shame,” the socialist leader said in his profile on the social network “Worst Moment” position was compared.

“The orders of Genova and Feijio take precedence over health,” lamented the regional secretary of the Spanish Association of Social Workers, who on Monday already expressed his opinion on the position taken by the Commission regarding the Ministry of Health’s proposal to impose an obligation on the use of masks in health centres. questioned. , social care centers and pharmacies.

Nearing the peak of infection

The overall incidence of respiratory infections (ARI) even fell below 1,500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants, to 1,477 cases, with a “significant” decline in the pediatric population. Of course, hospitalizations for respiratory infections among people over 75 continue to increase. The report said that “although influenza virus transmission remains high”, the incidence of influenza syndrome “appears” to be near its peak, while the incidence of covid-19, which has been increasing since week 50 of 2023, also “appears to be moderate” .

With the exception of RSV, which was less than 10%, circulating amounts of the remaining respiratory pathogens remained similar to previous weeks. In the first week of 2023, influenza viruses were present in less than 30% of sentinel samples and in 53% of sentinel samples, while covid-19 was present in 14.5% of sentinel tests and 8.1% of VRS.

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