Flu and COVID vaccination campaigns to start in last week of September

Vaccination campaigns against influenza and coronavirus –From 2021, both doses of the vaccine will be given at the same time – it will start last week of september and will continue in October.This is this week’s Tuesday public health committeewhere autonomous regions and ministry of health.this Madrid’s neighborhoods emphasize the need “Wide date range” for the start of the event have enough dose For injecting a third covid-19 booster dose.

The committee has approved an update to this document “2023-2024 Spanish Flu and COVID-19 Vaccination Recommendations,” July.New document clarifies campaign will start in different communities From the last week of September to October. As for the target group, this includes people from “health care facilities”, such as those working in pharmacies.

The organization has also set a start date for the event vaccination campaign Fighting Coronavirus and Flu and First Immunization Fights RSV, which causes bronchiolitis.Vaccine introduction Review of recommendations approved in July for use of monoclonal Nirsevimab against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) 2023-2024 season.urge infants to be vaccinated as soon as possible, preferably in October if possible, and Establish impact monitoring measuresmeans from health.

adequate dose

At the meeting, Madrid stressed the need for “broad dates” for launch. seasonal vaccination campaigns.chief director Public Health Office of the Autonomous Community of MadridElena Andradas, on behalf of the regional administration, supported the vaccination recommendations agreed upon by the Public Health Council and explained the need Expand vaccination date range.

The reason is that the Ministry of Health “can have sufficient vaccine supply dedicated to administering the third covid-19 booster dose” because of the vaccines currently being distributed by the Ministry of HealthAccording to the Ministry of Health, “this figure is below what” the Autonomous Region of Madrid needs “to meet its immunization needs.” Population versus coronavirus.

fifth dose

suggestion Updates starting this Tuesday Excerpted from a document last July. Coronavirus continues to rise in Spain. And, although we can’t talk for the time being, saturationfortunately there has been no increase in ICU admissions either, and emergency doctors did ensure that they were registered Driven by the coronavirus pandemic, emergency room visits have increased by 15% to 20% in recent weeks.

According to Health magazine, “a slight increase in cases has been detected in recent weeks and is now stabilizing.” The incidence rate in primary health centers is approximately 130 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. In addition, 3 cases per 100,000 inhabitants require hospitalization.

Lung cancer screening

on the other hand, The Madrid Community also informed at this sectoral meeting There is consensus on public health issues between the ministry and the community regarding the lung cancer screening Cassandra project that a pilot study will begin to be designed to assess the feasibility of implementing the project in the area and “thus setting the stage for possible inclusion Provide knowledge” as the delivery of an essential package of services in a national health system”.

Departing from Madrid, Health Minister Fatima Matut, Point out the Cassandra project (Cancer screening, smoking cessation and respiratory assessmentits English abbreviation) “is a very important initiative because it covers not only lung cancer screening, but also diseases caused by tobacco consumption, such as emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Interstitial lung disease, coronary artery calcification and its associated vascular risks, and osteoporosis.And, most importantly, it works with to quit smokingalso as primary prevention of these lung diseases and other diseases, e.g. “Bladder Cancer.”

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