Flu cases on the rise in Eastern Kentucky

As flu cases increase in Kentucky, health officials in Rowan County are urging people to protect themselves from the disease.

Dr. Alyssa Black is a family medicine physician at St. Clair Healthcare Hospital. He said flu season typically begins in late fall and lasts until early spring, but this is typically the time of year when flu infections peak in the Commonwealth. He added that many cases occurred after the holidays and increased after children returned to school.

Dr. Black says there are some precautions people can take to stay safe this flu season.

“The most important thing is to get vaccinated. People six months and older can get a flu shot,” she said. “Even late in the season, it’s definitely not too late and can reduce your chances of getting the flu or, if you do get it, potentially lessen the severity of the illness.”

Black said most respiratory illnesses have increased significantly this season.

“As you know, of course it’s not just an increase in the number of cases, but also the number of emergency room visits and hospitalizations,” she said. “Especially because it’s not just the flu, but also COVID-19 and respiratory syncytial virus, and we’re seeing quite a few cases of that as well.”

Black said symptoms to watch for include fever, body aches, congestion and cough.

Annabel McNeil

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