Flu, coronavirus or cold?These are the symptoms for everyone

Respiratory tract infections have doubled this winter; Virus This is encouraged by posadas, December holidays and the country’s low temperatures.

so this is normal Symptomatic and wondering or confused if you have Flu, cold or coronavirussince weakened airway Due to the cold and dry environment, it is conducive to the spread of viruses.

of Virus The dominant one is Rhinoviruswhich causes the common cold, and the difference between Flu and COVID-19symptoms include Congestion or runny nosecoughing, sneezing, sore throat or sore throat, even fever. Most cases do not require medical attention, but if there is no improvement after three days, you will need to see a doctor.

also proposed pharyngitis,A Bacterial infections Have the following symptoms sore throatfever, difficulty and pain when swallowingswollen lymph nodes, clear throat, feverwait. It is usually treated with antibiotics and disappears in 3 to 7 days.

in this case influenzathis is a disease Similar to coronavirus, have the same mode of transmission and symptoms.yes Headachemuscular development, throat, cough, fever and have difficulty in some cases breathenausea or diarrhea.

It is possible to tell whether the person has lost their sense of taste and smell because this is a coronavirus symptomsusually disappears 2 to 13 dayswhile flu patients have a period of one to four days.

Wondering if it is Coronavirussold in pharmacies Antigen testwhich can identify viruses and has been standardized for use.

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