Flu, coronavirus or the common cold?These are the symptoms of each disease

Hunger combined with cravings, or rather the flu and COVID-19 and colds make our winters tough.
Gemma Del Cano Gemma Del Cano 6 minutes

Let’s get real Can we differentiate between each disease? Yes, We can identify viruses with a Antigen test Double is available in all pharmacies. Is this necessary? No.

Some of us find it more interesting to know what virus we are facing than anything else because Give this thing a name so small it feels like a truck has run over us. Also, be aware that they are all more or less known viruses, more or less aggressive and There will be more or less the same treatments and the same preventive measures. We keep the last keyword for last.

Similarities between Flu and COVID-19

Flu and COVID-19 They are respiratory diseases caused by viruses, Both are contagious and spread in similar ways through close contact Closed environment without ventilation due to aerosols released when talking or coughing or through surface within a short period of time.

they all have Common symptoms, such as high fever (Although the fever caused by the flu is much higher), Muscle pain, cough, stuffy nose, tiredness, and difficulty breathing. Additionally, children are more likely than adults to experience nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting.

High fever, cough, nasal congestion, and muscle aches are symptoms of the flu or COVID-19. If you don’t have a high fever or muscle pain, you may have a cold (also caused by a virus)

Complications are similar, pneumonia, heart failure…. In vulnerable populations and more severe cases, these complications can worsen, as we unfortunately have seen with other respiratory illnesses suddenly during the pandemic or year after year.

If we eliminate high fever and muscle aches from the equation, we may find ourselves facing a cold.

The difference between influenza and COVID-19

Some differences may lead us to choose one over the other.but not all symptoms will appear, so we cannot have these symptoms and remain positive at the same time. Most tellingly, COVID-19 patients often experience loss of taste and smell This doesn’t happen with the flu.

is also like this Flu symptoms appear earlier (1 to 4 days after exposure) For COVID-19, it’s a little later, between 2 and 14 days. We don’t always know when an infection occurs, so this doesn’t give us much information.

What treatments are available?

Generally speaking, while there are some drugs authorized to treat influenza, Treatment is symptomatic, i.e. taking medications They relieve symptoms as our bodies eliminate the infection.

we can use Paracetamol, ibuprofen, nasal solutionYes…all of which are available in pharmacies, we have Our walk-in medication professionals are available to assist. Additionally, it is recommended to stay well hydrated. Antibiotics are never, but never, recommended for viral infection processes.

When complications such as respiratory failure occursymptoms worsen, Health services are doing their best to meet demand.


This is key to these contagious respiratory infections Caused by viruses.at the moment We have flu and COVID-19 vaccinesWhile we may not be 100% immune to the disease, it allows us to experience it in a milder form.

Vaccination, use of masks, ventilation, and hand washing are all preventive measures.

Additionally, if you are experiencing symptoms or have been in direct contact with someone who is experiencing symptoms, Using masks will help us avoid infecting others. And, whenever possible, we stay home.

Remember: viruses’ goal is to survive, so they need us and our job is to contain them. Luckily, we know how.

this It must be combined with correct ventilation in order to adequately renew the air. Thereby reducing the possibility of infection.

handwashing, This that we value so much in the pandemic has been left behind, but This is fundamental. This applies not only to these diseases, but to all microorganisms that are willing to spread from one microorganism to another without mercy.

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