Flu fatality rate rises this season in Extremadura

According to data provided by the SES Respiratory Infection Sentinel Surveillance System, the mortality rate of influenza this season has increased compared with the previous season.

The increase from 6% to 7.14% indicates that 7 out of every 100 patients diagnosed with influenza died this quarter.

It must be clarified that the case fatality rate is different from the mortality rate, which is related to the number of deaths and the total population within a certain period of time.

So far, health experts have confirmed that flu season is starting earlier this time, and now the numbers suggest it’s also more deadly.

In fact, among respiratory infections, influenza is the most worrisome since Extremadura’s viral resurgence began. The disease causes the highest number of hospital admissions compared with coronavirus and respiratory syncytial virus, which cause most bronchiolitis in children.

For example, according to the Sentinel Surveillance System for Acute Respiratory Infections (Sivira) and data, in the first week of January, 116 people were hospitalized with influenza and 43 with COVID-19. , the number of people hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus was 29. Health Advisory.

While we wait to find out what the death toll will be for this season, everything indicates that it will be pre-pandemic numbers, pre-COVID-19 numbers, and remembering those particularly severe seasons, like 2017-2018, when 31 people died. Until mid-March.

worst season

This is the highest death toll since the World Health Organization declared a pandemic in 2009. The number of deaths from the disease has not been recorded since the Sentinel surveillance system was launched. In fact, 15 people died that season.

In order to reduce the severity of the disease, SES is committed to launching vaccination campaigns among target groups, especially those over 60 years of age or minors with existing medical conditions. This season also includes children between six months and five years old and smokers.

Also this time, in view of the resurgence of the virus, it launched an extraordinary week-long campaign in the afternoons in 11 health centers without prior reservation. They’ve already used it to administer more than 3,000 doses of flu vaccine, which they hope to do almost from the start of flu season next year. People who have not yet been vaccinated can make an appointment at their health center until January 31.

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