Flu more common in girls, boys than adults, health alert

* The agency said the proportion of preschoolers and schoolchildren was higher than 30% or 40%.


Colima State – The Health Secretariat of the Colima State Government stated that the incidence of influenza in minors is higher than in the elderly, and the incidence of influenza in preschool and school children exceeds 30% or 40% every year, so prevention such as vaccination The importance of the measure to this population.

He added that hospitalization rates for healthy boys and girls under two were similar or higher than those for people aged 65 and over, while the hospitalization rate for children under five was about one in 1,000. .

The pediatric service of the Regional University Hospital (HRU) recalled that the symptoms and signs of influenza were fever, headache, muscle pain, sore throat and cough, while in young girls and boys they were vomiting and diarrhea, with or without fever. This can confuse diagnosis.

The national agency said that in terms of active prevention, annual influenza vaccination is a priority strategy for children aged six months to older adults.

He reiterated that acute respiratory infections such as common colds, flu and Covid-19 increase during winter, and therefore it is recommended to strengthen preventive measures in children.

These include providing exclusive breast milk, eating a healthy diet, washing hands, using alcohol gel and masks, and sneezing correctly.

Regarding the common cold, he said that this is a relatively common disease in autumn and winter, and it begins to decline in spring. The symptoms are high fever and severe cough that lasts for three days, affecting eating and rest, and accompanied by sputum production.

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