Flu or Covid 19? ; These symptoms can help you distinguish it

Four years ago, the first case of Covid 19 appeared in Mexico, and Mexicans’ lives changed forever. In the weeks before this virus emerged, people could easily tell the difference between a common cold and a headache or sore throat.

However, since the arrival of the new coronavirus, humans have begun to experience cold-like symptoms such as headaches, runny noses, dry coughs, and sore throats.

Despite the application of vaccines to combat the coronavirus, it continues to attack many citizens, and we are also in the coldest season of the year, which is when people are most susceptible to illness, so it can be difficult to determine if you are experiencing an epidemic. sick. Flu or infection with covid 19 virus.

If you’re feeling sick during these months of low temperatures and don’t know if it could be COVID-19 or the common flu, we’re here to tell you the difference between them and how to recognize them.

The difference between influenza and coronavirus

Both respiratory viruses have similar symptoms, such as headache, cough, muscle pain, fatigue, sore throat, nasal congestion, fever and difficulty breathing.

Although they often manifest themselves in similar ways, the truth is, there are some symptoms that can help distinguish whether you have Covid 19 or a common cold.

Common flu symptoms

These symptoms usually appear within 24 hours of exposure. They usually do.

  • Chilled all over
  • fatigue
  • fever
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • nausea
  • Excessive nasal discharge
  • sore throat

Doctors say people recover from the flu in 3 to 10 days. If you have a temporary cold, experts recommend staying well hydrated (water, broth, herbal teas and even sports drinks), eating a nutritious diet, getting plenty of rest, and avoiding irritating foods.

symptoms of covid 19

Although vaccines have been administered to 71% of the Mexican population, many people are still experiencing symptoms of the virus. However, in 2024, the list of conditions reported by infected people was updated. The most common signs are.

  • cough
  • fatigue
  • Headache
  • sore throat
  • fever
  • Hoarseness
  • Muscle pain
  • he drowned
  • Loss of smell and appetite
  • Tachycardia
  • congestion
  • runny nose
  • sneeze
  • diarrhea

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During periods of rising infection, symptoms appear for 4 or 5 days, and during periods of decreasing infection, symptoms appear for another 4 days. For its treatment, there is only one approved antiviral drug so far, called “Remdesivir”, and there are several other drugs that help reduce the severity of COVID-19.

Remember, if you experience any of these symptoms, it is recommended that you take a PCR test to determine if you are infected.

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