Flu vaccinations in Andalusia double 2023

Seville, (EFE) – Andalusia has doubled the number of flu vaccinations compared to 2023 thanks to a walk-in vaccination campaign, which the commission has called a success and will be launched next week Open to at-risk populations.

The Ministry of Health and Consumer Affairs stressed that the campaign, which began on December 11, has worked well and has led to 292,302 Andalusians being vaccinated, a 104% increase compared to the previous record of the campaign, when 143,143 Andalusians were vaccinated Vaccinated.

Since December 11, the council has stepped up its vaccination campaign, arranging appointment days for adults and children and stepping up publicity on the benefits of vaccination.

Currently, 1,768,479 doses of influenza vaccine and 1,118,881 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in Andalusia, and 126,714 children have been vaccinated, which means a coverage rate of 44.4%.

Among people over 60 years old, the influenza vaccination rate is 57.3%, and the COVID-19 vaccination rate is 41%. Among those over 85 years old, 75.3% have received the influenza vaccine, and 57.4% have received the COVID-19 vaccine.

90% vaccinated in residential settings

The campaign also achieved that more than 90% of people in nursing homes have been vaccinated against influenza, and 84.9% have been vaccinated against COVID-19.

In this regard, the Ministry of Health thanks the people of Andalusia for their responsibility in protecting their health, who have responded to the calls of the health authorities and the work of the professionals of the centres.

Andalusian FluAndalusian Flu
Through door-to-door campaigns, flu vaccinations in Andalusia have doubled compared to 2023. People get vaccinated at health centres. EFE/Ana Escobar/Archives

According to Ministry of Health flu vaccination coverage data as of January 18, Andalusia is above the national average.

For minors aged 6 to 59 months, the influenza vaccination rate in Spain averages 35.2%, and Andalusia reaches 44%, second only to Murcia and Galicia.

In terms of vaccination rate for people over 65 years old, the national average is 63%, and the Andalusian average is 64.7%, ranking eighth.
Salud y Consumo stressed the importance of vaccines in preventing acute respiratory infections, with 621 cases per 100,000 inhabitants this week, up from the 459 recorded the previous week.Effie

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