Flu will peak this week, according to several doctors

The peak of influenza is not yet here because No significant drop in cases has been seen. A spokesman for the Spanish Association of General Practitioners and Family Doctors said, Lorenzo Armanterosit believes that based on current data and slight declines, it is a bold risk, The flu has reached its peak.

In this sense, the expert compared the current situation with a small sawtooth or a stable plateau without a significant decline, assuring that if a significant decline in the number of positivity is recorded, experience shows that it could be reached this week or on January 4 maximum value.

Armanteros recognized that the influx in primary care health centers has decreased due to the number of patients suffering from the disease banal pathology, but does not include hospital emergencies where influenza A and respiratory viruses persist. “For every 10 respiratory virus cases, 9 are influenza and 1 is COVID-19, but there is also an increase in gastrointestinal viruses

And the two viruses coexist (Flu and COVID-19) is an extraordinary thing,” he said.

On the other hand, the First Vice-President of the Spanish Society for Emergencies (SEMES), Pascual Piñera, The decline in positivity is not considered decisive as it could indicate that a peak has been reached or that a significant increase will occur in the coming days. “The data released this Thursday by the Acute Respiratory Infections Surveillance System of the Carlos III Health Institute will be decisive in seeing what happens next, since the number of cases has only been falling for a week, but it is still possible to rise”, Primary also said. Care,” he said.

Other medical professionals, e.g. Vicente Soriano, They agreed with Armenteros and Piñera. They said that family gatherings and social activities last Christmas were conducive to the spread of influenza, and the peak of influenza will also be reached this week. “This influenza A virus is not special and has not mutated because it is a virus that emerged in the fall before the pandemic,” he concluded.

Experts say the high number of infections last month was because of the past three winters Preventive quarantine due to the pandemic, reduced movement of people, Therefore, there is very little residual immunity in the population, so it has not yet developed. Antibodies are produced against new strains every year.

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