For the first time, they confirm the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Antarctica – El Venezolano News

(February 26, 2024. Hervene Zorano).A team of researchers from the Spanish National Institution Severo Ochoa Center for Molecular Biology better advice According to a statement released on the website of the Center for Scientific Research (CSIC), the center confirmed for the first time the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses in Antarctica.

Specifically, On Saturday, they detected the virus in two skua samples Argentinian scientists discovered the carcass of a seabird similar to a seagull near Primavera, Argentina’s Antarctic base.

After obtaining the sample, use the maximum Safeguard for avoid this spread viral for peopleAn Argentinian ship from the Joint Antarctic Patrol safely transported them to the Spanish Gabriel de Castilla Antarctic Base on Decepcion Island for subsequent analysis by members of China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation.

The agency noted that the results conclusively demonstrated that the animals studied were infected with H5 subtype avian influenza and that at least one of them contained Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus.

This discovery will allow National polar plans need to be prepared to avoid the spread of infection through human-made means and, above all, from person-to-person transmission,” he continued. He added: “This shows for the first time that despite being separated from other continents, Antarctica Despite its remoteness and natural barriers, highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses have still reached Antarctica. ” He detailed that the discovery could explain bird deaths recorded during the Antarctic summer.


For the first time, they confirm the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza in Antarctica – El Venezolano News

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