Forget the hangers: Japanese tips for hanging shirts and sweaters and making space in your closet

Forget the hangers: Japanese tips for hanging shirts and sweaters and making space in your closet

In autumn and the change of seasons, Organizing your wardrobe is a very common thing. Not only do you want to clean its interior, but you also have to choose. This period is perfect for rearranging shelves instead of piling chairs and armchairs next to the bed, which will make the house look more organized and allow us to easily find the clothes we want.

Perfect wardrobe organization, Including shoes can seem like an exhausting taskBut according to Marie Kondo, the Japanese author best known for her best-selling books on home economics, her Marie Kondo method can revolutionize the way you clean your home, helping to free up space and keep everything organized. This method is based on Japanese rules and applies a few tricks.

KonMari Tips for Organizing Clothes in Your Wardrobe

Unlike other methods, KonMari involves Organize objects into categories and place them on a flat surface to evaluate whether we should keep them or discard them. The key question to ask yourself is whether this object makes us happy. The goal is to keep only things associated with happiness and joy and throw away ill-fitting clothes, damaged underwear and socks, torn scarves and worn-out shoes. We only keep things we use every day.

After we identify the clothing, It is important to organize them appropriately Keep closets and drawers tidy. Divide interior spaces into categories, such as shirts, sweaters, pants, etc. The key to innovation is learning to fold clothes so they are always visible. Instead of stacking clothes, roll them up and place them next to each other. Inside drawers, it’s easier to keep order with dividers.

when you hang up the phone Clothes on hangers follow certain standards: Start by placing the darkest and heaviest items on the left, the lightest and lightest items on the right, the longest items on the left, and the shortest items on the right. Also, organize shoes by type, such as sneakers, boots, heels, and sandals, and arrange them in a shoe rack with the lightest at the top and the heaviest at the bottom.

Plus, a way to avoid ironing from Japan.IWash clothes in the washing machine without filling the drum and hang them immediately, leaving the longest clothes for last. Hang the garment on a hanger to dry and remove wrinkles by hand. Then, fold the garment into a small rectangle.

When it comes to folding T-shirts, Marie Kondo’s Japanese method works. Place the T-shirt on a flat surface and smooth it out, fold the edges toward the center, and finally fold into a perfect rectangle. This approach is part of their KonMari approach, which aims to optimize space in the home.

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