Frida Bollani in Venice, Elisa’s concert in Verona, Japanese Culture Festival in Padua

it will be a bridge full of music and food and wine One that will last all weekend.

in venice

Starting with Venice, the first edition of the Festival will begin on Saturday “aqua – view of the seaWith two free appointments dedicated to the notes, the first at dawn, the second at sunset. At 5.45 on the beach in Piazza Brescia you can hear piano performance by Remo AngiovinoOne of the most original contemporary composers who has just released a concept album for piano solo”don’t forget to fly, The same venue at 8.45pm for Frida Bollani Magoni, who will accompany the audience on a journey through her musical world, from the space shared with her parents Petra Magoni and Stefano Bollani to Lucio Dalla, Leonard Cohen, Franco Battiato , to Ariana Grande and Britney Spears. as food and drinkThere are two fairs dedicated to Fali, the king of the seasons. The Festa dei Bisi is scheduled until Friday in Peseggia di Scorzè with a food stand where you can taste dishes accompanied by “Bisi De.Co”. Pesaggia’s” or buy Peas directly. Again, until Sunday, this time in Pianiga, you can visit the Fiera dei Bici in Piazza Mercato.

in the Treviso area

Instead in Treviso, during the long weekend of 2 June, the event is held between the Vals and Viale d’Alviano. Regions of Europe with Scotland as the host country, For this you will find products of Scottish craftsmanship and gastronomic culture such as craft beer, apple cider, a selection of whiskies, shortbread, haggis, Lots of accessories like fudges, irn bru and hats, scarves and bags, Tweed and Harris Tweed. The twelfth edition of Cyle Jazz will start on Friday with a day dedicated to greenery and nature in the Treviso region. In Casale sul Siele, Treviso, kayak tours are organized in the afternoon and in the evening, at the little port of Casale, double bass player and composer Marco Trabuco’s concert with the project “X”. Saturday we’ll go to Cassello 104 in Morgano, where you can take part in an afternoon bike tour, and then at 9 p.m., the new quartet drummer Luca Colucci who will perform His latest work tribute to drummer Paul Motian. To close out the weekend, Sunday will pay tribute to Daniele D’Agaro and Alessandro Turchet at Villa Lats in Istrana The giant Charles Mingus.

in the Paduan region

When visiting Padua, Parco della Musica will host “Kiryoku – Japanese Culture Festival”, a full day dedicated to the rising sun between workshops (Japanese sword, ikebana, shodo and many others) and shows such as a tea ceremony and a concert of Japanese drums. In the province, on Saturday and Sunday Camposampiero will “host”medieval day“in which the city will be transformed into a true thirteenth-century village, with markets, tournaments and shows of an era that will take place in the squares, streets and streets where merchants, commoners, knights And Rais will tell a page of the history of this region by his presence. Over 160 extras joined in over the two days. appointment dedicated to the little ones, Lucilla will arrive at Le Brantel di Rubano on Saturday afternoonYouTuber with 300 million views, who turns into a fairy and makes girls and boys dance and sing.

in the Vicenza region

In Vicenza, on the other hand, the concert “Dialogues ”that will bring Andrea Lucchesini to the stage on piano and Gabriele Mirabassi on clarinet who will know how to move between jazz and classical, South American world and contemporary music.

in the Verona area

Arrival in Verona, must not miss the appointment, on Saturday and Sunday, there will be double concerts by Alyssa “An Intimate Zone – Two Nights Only” At the base of which would be the singer’s voice from Monfalcone and evocative arrangements of the singer’s repertoire for piano and strings written by Dardst, one of current pop’s most popular writers and producers. music program will also mark the return of Green Village to VeronaConceived and conceived by Alyssa, which will animate various locations in the city throughout the weekend with the aim of raising awareness of issues that are a challenge to the protection of the planet, but above all to be responsible Inviting environment. Thanks for the 61st Marseilles Cherry Festival, concluding with the most beloved and delicious seasonal fruit, part of the municipality of San Martino Buonalbergo, where besides enjoying cherry after cherry, you can have fun with excellent music. francesco verni

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